Chapter 38 - Supporting [Frey Sanders]

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Monday, morning

     After spending almost the entire weekend with Daniel, and him sleeping over for two nights in a row, Frey was a bit confused when he woke up by himself on Monday morning.

Daniel and he had picked up Hannah on Sunday afternoon, cooked dinner for the three of them together and had entertained Hannah until bedtime, before Frey had left to go home to catch up on a bit of homework he had ignored for the duration of the weekend.

Frey was still feeling drowsy in the mornings, and he had trouble staying awake past nine o'clock in the evening.

He felt like a kid all over again; fighting sleep in the evening because he didn't want to go to bed early, while he needed to be woken up by Daniel—or his father on Monday morning—or he would sleep until way past noon.

Now that he was focusing on Daniel, and they both had admitted being in love with each other, new worries arose in Frey's mind.

He had pondered over his feelings for both Daniel and Jenna a couple of weeks before accepting he was in love with Daniel—a boy—and admitted it aloud. He had hoped once he would know who he liked more, the worries would leave, and he would actually be able to enjoy being in love.

But he fell for a boy, and that in itself brought troubles with it; coming out.

They had agreed not to label whatever there was between them, but now Frey couldn't stop wondering how he was supposed to behave in school.

It was easy when they were in the privacy of either of their homes. He could kiss Daniel and nobody would ask him what was going on.

But what was he supposed to do when Daniel arrived in school? Would Daniel walk up to him? Would he kiss Frey in public? Would they hug?

Would Daniel understand that Frey wasn't exactly publicly out yet and that he wasn't sure how to come out?

Did he even want to?

He kept thinking about it until Arun nudged him, waking him from his stupor.

"Frey? Have you spoken to Jenna this weekend?" Arun sounded hesitant, and pulled Frey away from Hendrik, James and Wes, to a quite part of the hallway where nobody was going to hear them talk.

Frey shook his head. He had received a couple of messages again, but he had turned off his phone while he was with Daniel eventually.

"I... I heard something... this Saturday."

"Wh-what did you hear?" Frey wondered if Daniel had told people already, and if half the school was already aware of their relationship. If he could call it a relationship. "Is it about Daniel?"

"Yeah... You know?"

"What, that he's been with me the whole weekend?" Frey frowned, confused a little. Why wouldn't he know something that involved him?

"What? No! That's not what I was talking about—wait, he was with you the whole weekend?" Arun hissed in surprise. "What happened?"

"I told him about my feelings, they're mutual... I thought you heard rumours about us."

"No, I didn't." Arun sighed. "I heard something that involves Daniel, Jenna and Mitchel and I don't want to be a little snitch. But I think you should talk to Jenna."

"And not listen to whatever Mitchel has to say?" Frey chuckled, grabbing his phone to show Arun the message Jenna had sent.

She used practically the same words; talk to Jenna, not listen to Mitchel.

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