Chapter 36 - Cunning [Jenna Lark]

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Saturday, midday

     It had to be Murphy's law. Jenna couldn't explain it any different. Everything went downhill at once and she was left with a mess of emotions to deal with.

And she felt like she deserved all of it.

If she could go back in time about a week—a little more even—she would change almost everything she had done.

She would make decisions differently, if she would have known what was going to happen.

She lost Frey, and it felt like he had ripped her heart out to stomp on it, even though Jenna was aware that Frey had been nothing but a gentleman. He had been honest, open, and he hadn't used her like he would've done a couple of weeks ago.

She had practically thrown herself at him, and still he refused.

She envied Daniel; she wished she was him. She wished she was the one Frey fell in love with.

She knew Danie deserved love. He deserved a guy like Frey that would once again make him smile.

But she couldn't just sit back and let everything happen. She knew there was something Frey felt for her. And something could turn into enough.

She didn't even know why she was obsessing over it that much, but she just did. It might had to do with the fact Frey had been the first guy she trusted enough after Robby had so brutally ruined her confidence; her trust in guys, or humans in total.

He had showed her there were still guys out there, that would change for the better if they liked someone enough.

If only she had been the one he wanted to change for.

"Jenna, I'm telling you," Lacy snapped at her, slapping her head softly. "Stop the silence, start telling us what is going on."

"Yeah, Jen, we're worried about you." Michelle sighed deeply when Jenna looked at her with a frown.

"Is Daniel not going to come? I... I kind of miss him."

"Sucks, you caused your fight yourself." Lacy shrugged. "You guys will be on good terms soon enough again."

"So..." Jenna bit her lip and took in a breath. "He's not coming because I'm here?"

"He's not coming because he's with Frey, and he's keeping an eye on him for some reason he does not want to clarify."

"He's with Frey?" Jenna frowned, a bit surprised, but mostly worried. Why was Daniel with Frey? He hadn't been in the club on his regular night of going out, while Jenna had hoped he would so she could apologize for her behaviour on Thursday.

She figured getting pissed while he was just being honest wasn't the most attractive quality, and if she wanted to stand a chance, she really needed to change for the better.

But if Daniel was with Frey, she worried it was too late already. None of what she had done to try and get Frey to fall for her had worked.

"Can we please just have a fun afternoon? We haven't hung out together for weeks." Michelle sighed. "Besides, I have to go in two hours, so can we go and grab lunch now?"

"We're going out for lunch?" Jenna asked surprised. Normally they would just hang out in her room, watch a movie, play a game, gossip, laugh. But they usually didn't go out for lunch.

"Yeah, we figured since Daniel isn't going to come over, we could go out for lunch because we won't have to keep in mind he has no money and he's too stubborn to let us pay for lunch." Lacy rolled her eyes but smirked afterwards. She liked the fact Daniel wasn't the type of poor guy that would take advantage of every single offer. He only ever accepted things that would benefit his mother or sister, never anything that would only benefit him.

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