Chapter 31 - Rejected [Frey Sanders]

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Monday, midday

     Frey had been sulking the whole weekend, feeling aggravated and annoyed just because Mitchel had kissed Daniel on the cheek.

He wasn't just jealous; he was angry.

How could Daniel let Mitchel back into his life after all the shit they went through? How could he stand there and allow Mitchel's lips touching his cheek?

Frey had ignored pretty much everyone during the weekend because of it—including his father. He had just spent hours in his room doing nothing in particular.

On Sunday, late in the evening, he was done sulking and brooding and fuzzing over everything, and he had tried to find out more about Mitchel.

He hadn't found a lot, beside old pictures from back when he was actually dating Daniel.

And he had stared at the pictures long enough to know Daniel had not been all that happy during their relationship.

The smiles on the pictures were fake—forced.

So—after proving to himself Daniel wasn't happy with Mitchel—on Monday Frey was on a mission.

A mission to demand an answer from Daniel to answer one simple question; why?

Was it because it was convenient for him to help Daniel? Was it because he needed someone to watch Hannah? Frey could do that. He didn't mind.

Was it because Daniel actually thought there was still something left between them that he wanted to give a shot?

Was it because Daniel didn't like him enough?

Frey was jealous, and it sickened him how jealous he actually was.

Which, in its turn, made Frey wonder; was he that much into Daniel? Did he like him more than he liked the Jenna that was outgoing, charming, fun to be around?

He felt so confused.

Since when was he into guys that much?

Sure, the sex with Daniel had been great, but Frey—so far—had just thought it was because it was sex. But what if there was more behind it?

What if he actually was in love with Daniel?

Frey was silently brooding most of the day, until he had it with it, and turned to face Arun.

"I think I'm in love with Daniel." He threw in, knowing he had interrupted a conversation between Arun and Hendrik.

Arun choked on his sandwich, while Hendrik simply dropped his.

"You think you're in love with Daniel?" Arun asked shocked, surprised.

"I can't stand the idea of him being with Mitchel." Frey stated out the obvious. "Is it because I want to be with Daniel, or because it's Mitchel? South Cedar's biggest idiot?" He wondered aloud. "I want to bash in the guy's face."

Arun laughed, Hendrik frowned.

"It's unfair, you know? Daniel let him kiss his cheek, and I'm fuming."

"Are you fuming because Mitchel kissed his cheek, or because someone who isn't you kissed his cheek?" Arun was now frowning too.

"I don't know!" Frey cried out, slamming his head on the table because maybe torturing himself with pain would stop him from feeling confused.

"What about Jenna?" Hendrik wondered aloud.

"I. Don't. Know." Frey grumbled towards the table, not feeling bothered enough to lift his head up. "She's so fucking hot, and cute, and funny and we click, and I never feel bored when I'm with her. But..."

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