Chapter 5 - Warning [Frey]

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Monday, lunchtime

     Frey had struggled through the weekend, with a fuming in anger mother since he wasn't at the club to be picked up after his shift, and she stayed up to witness him coming home drunk yet again.

She now even threatened to stop him from working in the club overall, but Frey had managed to talk her out of it since she was the type of mother that wanted her kids to learn responsibilities, and with that, earning money themselves.

But she was planning on finding him a new job, agreeing he could remain working at his father's club until she found something fitting.

Frey wasn't going to quit his job, but he lacked the energy to fight her in the discussion, so he shrugged it off and ignored her for the entire day on Sunday. He even locked himself in his room and refused to go with her to church.

He was done with everything and he stayed in bed all day, now behind on homework too.

He was sure to get detention because of it, but then Arun stepped in, and allowed him to copy his homework for the day.

Frey smiled at him thankfully after he copied most notes by the time lunch had came around. "You're the best friend anyone could wish for, Arun." He muttered, staring at his notes. He deliberately changed some answers or sums for Math—Arun always was better in Math than he was—and he corrected some of Arun's answers in Biology while he copied that.

"No problem, Frey. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Why are we even friends, Arun?" Frey voiced the same question he had voiced aloud before many times in the past year.

"Because you were the only one who never made fun of me when we moved here last year." Arun shrugged and smiled. "And because we have the same stupid sense of humour, the same interests..."

"But I treat you like shit half the time," Frey cut him short in his explanation, now finally voicing something that had been eating him alive from the inside.

"No, you don't." Arun shook his head and turned in his seat a bit to look at Frey. "I know what you are like, so your insults every so often don't bother me at all. Besides, don't I do the same to you? I called you a slut last Saturday." Arun chuckled, thinking back of the moment Frey had told him he was taking Michelle to his father's apartment, and Arun had indeed called him a slut, waved him off and told him to behave.

As if Frey knew how to behave. Even if he wanted to behave, he never failed to do something stupid, or insulting.

Take Daniel, for instance. Frey had no intention of pissing him off when he spewed shit about Mitchel, yet he somehow behaved or talked the wrong way, pissing him off anyway.

"Yeah, you did." Frey agreed with a sigh, stopping their conversation in total as soon as Hendrik and his two friends James and Wes sat down at their table.

"We overheard Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Jones talk, and they mentioned how pleased they were with your attitude today." Hendrik smirked to Frey, patting his shoulder. "We also overheard rumours that said Frey Sanders left the club last Friday, with Michelle as his company." James chuckles, Wes stared at Frey with envy, and Hendrik wiggled his eyebrows.

"Are you whipped, Mr. Sanders?" Hendrik teased him, nudging him in his ribs. "Is she turning you into a saint?"

"What?" Frey scowled with a bit of drama to it. "Hell no. She's just good for a bit of fun."

"But you never sleep twice with one girl, so why now?"

"I lacked energy to find someone new and she was in for another round anyway." Frey shrugged and forced a smirk on his face. He didn't need everyone to know just how shitty he was feeling. He didn't want them to think he was weak, he didn't want them to take advantage of that.

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