Chapter 19 - Flirtatious [Frey Sanders]

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Monday, lunchtime

     During lunch, Frey was hardly eating, while staring at his phone, rereading the texts between him and Jenna over and over again. They had called the previous night, and Jenna had told him she knew what had happened between him and Daniel. Daniel, of course, had told her everything; including the fact he was feeling a bit confused about his feelings for two people at once.

And then she told him she still wanted to go on a date, but that she would understand if he wanted to explore his feelings for Daniel instead of that.

He reassured her he wasn't going to cancel their date, but it was a bit of a relief to know Jenna wasn't angry about him kissing Daniel—or him wanting to know what his exact feelings for Daniel are.

Daniel wasn't making things easier, constantly sending him smiles during classes they shared, or whenever they saw each other in the hallways. His smile did things to Frey.

It caused Frey to constantly think back about their kiss. He just couldn't get rid of the memory of the feelings he had while Daniel kissed him, touched him, made him feel wanted on a whole different level.

But he had other things to focus about—like his date with Jenna. They agreed to go out the next day, since Jenna was busy on Wednesday and Thursday, while Frey had a busy schedule with work and an appointment with the psychiatrist from Friday on.

But that left him with one day to come up with a date. He didn't want to be the boring guy who took her out for a drink and left it at that. He only did that if he wanted to get his date intoxicated enough to take him home—or go home with him.

He didn't want to use Jenna, he wanted to treat her the right way, and get to know her better in the same time.

After staring at the text in which they had agreed on going out on Tuesday for a long time, he dropped the phone and groaned, letting his head fall onto the table top.

"What's wrong?" Arun asked him with a light chuckle. He had been chatting away with Hendrik, James and Wes while Frey had been in his own little bubble, but all four of them were now looking at him amused.

"No match on Sparkl?" James casually asked with a grin on his face. For someone who was dating the same girl for about two years already, he was very interested in Frey's tactics to seduce girls.

It made Frey wonder if his girlfriend Kelly didn't want to have sex yet, since that was what James asked about most; how to get them to sleep with you.

"I'm not on Sparkl." Frey shrugged and shuddered at the memory of fake Vicky and the whole debacle afterwards.

"You're not on Sparkl?" Hendrik frowned, before taking a bite from his sandwich. "Still recovering from last week? What even happened?"

"I had a fun night, no strings attached, no sex involved night with Jenna. And we're going out tomorrow."

That caused Wes to choke on his drink, Arun to send him a proud smile, and James and Hendrik to frown.

"You're taking the same girl out on another date?" Wes wondered aloud. And Frey decided not to tell them Jenna and him hadn't been on an official date yet, or how she saved him from a lot of humiliation.

"And I have no idea where to take her." Frey shrugged, admitting he was at a loss whenever it came to actual romantic dates. "I don't want to send the wrong signal. I'm serious about getting to know her better..."

"What happened last week?"Hendrik laughed out a bit, leaning closer to take a look at Frey's phone screen, and therefor his conversation with Jenna. "Are you seriously going to date a girl?"

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