Chapter 34 - It's okay [Frey Sanders]

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Thursday, midday

     Ever since Daniel had replied Frey's mood had become better again. It wasn't like he was his cheerful and outgoing self again, but he wasn't in an 'fuck-all-and-everything' mood any longer.

Though the simple fact he indeed wasn't outgoing, energetic and cheerful was something that worried him. He had thought he was getting over his most recent depressed phase. But that day, if you'd ask Frey, he'd say it seemed as if it would never end.

It felt endless, he didn't even exactly know what truly being happy felt like. Sitting at home however, had only made him feel worse. Which was the only reason he went to school, and even agreed to pick Jenna up afterwards to bring her home.

She had asked him to, but in a different way than she had done in the past week or so. She had asked, but also told if he couldn't, or didn't want to, she would ask someone else. She just preferred his company and he understood why; she liked him, and he still liked her too.

Just not as much as he liked Daniel.

Which was another reason for him to agree meeting Jenna that day; he needed to tell her.

She deserved the truth.

He just had to figure out what words he would use to tell her, without hurting her in the process. He would like to stay friends, but he also realised it could be too difficult for her at first.

How did Jenna and Daniel even do that?

Were they going to become best friends again soon and ignore the fact they had a falling out because of him? He had never intended to mess with their friendship, and he still was unsure of what was really behind their fight.

Or more, argument, as they both called it.

Frey also wondered why he suddenly cared so much about not breaking someone's heart. He had never cared about it before, so why now?

Frey shook his head and forced the confusing thoughts to the back of his mind. He was waiting for Jenna's class to be over, sitting on his bike, balancing with one foot on a low brick wall and the other on its pedal.

While he took a look around to observe the people already leaving school around him, he noticed a familiar brown-haired guy, wearing his hair in a bun; Robby.

He was walking past the school and Frey didn't get the impression he was waiting for Jenna, or even paying attention to the people around him. He was just walking by.

But he was still there, and Frey wondered if he had been lurking around for a while until he spotted Frey—probably knowing he was waiting for Jenna.

It didn't matter much in that moment, as Robby disappeared around a corner, walking further away from the school, when Jenna jumped up in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Hi!" She cheerfully exclaimed, and Frey invited her in for a quick hug by spreading his arms. She hugged him, placed a kiss on his cheek and gestured towards her bike. "I'm good to go."

Frey smiled and nodded, trying not to give away any hints that he just saw Robby. "Let's go then."

He waited for her to get on her bike. They took of in silence, but soon enough Jenna was telling him about some school project she was very excited about. He listened to her telling him what it was about, but he wasn't really paying attention, constantly scanning their surroundings, wondering when Robby would reappear to bother them.

She didn't notice the fact he was absentmindedly nodding and humming every so often. Not until they got to her home and he almost rode past it.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked with her head slightly tipped to the side.

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