Chapter 7 - Being a Sanders [Frey Sanders]

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Wednesday, evening

     With Julia at ballet practise, and his mother working, Frey had all freedom to decide what he was going to cook for supper to feed himself and his brothers. He decided to take them to the snack bar to get them fries and snacks. Their mother would never approve of such unhealthy food, which as why it was always their secret, and luckily Victor and Rudy understood that if they would tell their mother, they wouldn't ever get unhealthy food from Frey again.

So, they had a silent agreement not to tell about their usual Wednesday evening habit of eating fast food.

They walked the couple of blocks over to the nearest snack bar, while Victor and Rudy both speculating about the birthday presents that they were getting, while Frey had trouble to force a smile on his face half the time.

He resolved in pretending to smile whenever they looked at him to see if they were getting close. But they weren't.

Victor was sure he was getting a Nerf-gun—which their mother would never approve of due to her opinion of weapons being violent, even the harmless plastic ones for children.

Rudy, however, was more realistic, and was speculating about getting gifts that had to do with history. He was close to their mother's present, but not to Frey's and Julia's, so Frey kept telling them they were both not even close to the truth, until they reached the snack bar and both of them hurried to a table to sit down.

Frey would've normally ordered in, but he felt a bit suffocated in their house, which was why he decided—against his better judgement—to take the twins out for dinner for once.

Which he instantly regretted as soon as he made eye-contact with none other than Daniel Quinn.

He was standing behind the counter, packing in a take-away order, while a co-worker was behind the register.

Daniel was frozen in his spot as soon as his recognized Frey.

Frey was wearing an oversized hoodie, and the hood of it was over his head, as if he tried to shield himself from the world as much as possible.

He knew he looked pale, tired, sick even a bit.

Which might explain why Daniel didn't instantly recognize him. But now that he did, he swallowed, forced a smile on his face and greeted him as if he was greeting a stranger.

"Hi," Frey greeted him back, feeling awkward. He knew Daniel didn't want to talk to him, but he also was aware of the fact Daniel was one of those people who would never be rude to a customer, even if they were fighting.

Mitchel once showed up in the club, shortly after their break-up, and Frey remembered how Daniel had been on the verge of crying, and he still forced himself to ask Mitchel what he wanted to drink.

Did Daniel forget Frey—who never really cared about other people's issues—had stepped in at that moment, and made sure he was the one to get Mitchel drinks for the rest of the night, so he wouldn't bother Daniel?

"Can I help you?" Daniel asked after wrapping up the order he was working on, handing it to a customer.

"Oh... eh." Frey quickly looked towards Rudy and Victor. "I should ask what they want..."

"Are those the twins?" Daniel asked curiously, yet with a bit of a grumpy tone. He was just making casual conversation like he was supposed to.


"Cool..." Daniel tapped his fingers on the counter while he seemed to feel a bit awkward, and Frey smiled unsurely, before he slowly turned and headed over to his brothers to see what they wanted to eat.

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