Chapter 27 - Grand gesture [Daniel Quinn]

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Wednesday, evening

     To Daniel, his sort-of-date with Frey the night before had been great. No, he didn't like the fact it was short-lived, or they ended up playing pool with their friends. But on the other hand, Daniel was glad Frey didn't try to hide whatever they had going on from his friends.

Daniel knew he had explained it to Arun, but he also knew Frey hadn't told any of his other friends yet.

So, when Frey had stepped up behind Daniel—while they were watching Lacy, Adam, Jordy and Hendrik finish up their game—putting his arms around Daniel's waist and leaning his chin on his shoulder, he was at least a little surprised.

And so were some others, like Jordy and Hendrik.

They had gotten looks, but Frey hadn't cared. He had just cuddled with Daniel for a short while, and he had kissed his cheek in front of others.

He had sent Daniel straight to heaven with his behaviour—his actions.

It had, however, reminded him of his first couple of months with Mitchel—before he turned into an asshole that judged Daniel for being poor.

It had reminded him of the months in which Mitchel was still romantic, and proud to be with him; showing it in public.

He loved that Frey had that sweet romantic side to him too, but it hadn't settled his worries about opening his heart up to a new guy.

Which was why Daniel was at a loss of what to do when the very next day Mitchel showed up at his doorstep with a big bouquet of roses, a box of chocolate and a very sincere sounding apology for his behaviour.

Daniel couldn't deny the fact he had dreamed about this day, since his heart still couldn't fully let go of the good memories they shared.

He didn't know what to say, or even if he should accept the gifts that Mitchel was holding out for him to take.

"They're your favourite chocolates. Well... I mean, I know you don't really like chocolate, but I know these are the ones you sometimes give Hannah during one of her tea parties..." Mitchel drawled. He seemed desperate for Daniel to accept his apologies, in the form of accepting his gifts.

"W-wh..." Daniel stuttered, still staring at the bouquet of roses in shock and surprise. He had just gotten back from the supermarket to buy a shitty cheap dinner because there was no more money to buy fresh or decent food.

"Mitchie!" Hannah's voice sounded behind him, right before she showed up at his side, staring at Mitchel curiously.

"Hey Hannie." Mitchel smiled warmly at her, and Hannah's smile widened as her eyes found the chocolates. "These are for you."

"I thought they were for me." Daniel dryly spoke, rolling his eyes as Hannah eagerly grabbed the box of chocolates.

"Well..." Mitchel stood up straight, while Hannah looked back and forth between the two of them. "I know you always give them to Hannah anyway... so... yeah..."

"So, are you here to apologize to me, or to Hannah?"

"Both, but more to you." Mitchel smirked, Hannah giggled, and Daniel sighed.

"Mitchie? Do you want to see my new doll? Danny gave it to me for my birthday!" Hannah was already pulling Mitchel inside by his free hand.

Daniel wasn't the guy to deny his sister anything, or to throw the door in Mitchel's face.

He haphazardly watched how Mitchel sent him an apologetic look when he passed Daniel.

"Is that okay with you? Or your mom?" Mitchel asked as Daniel took over the roses before closing the door.

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