Chapter 24 - Green monster [Jenna Lark]

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Sunday, midday

     While dancing with Michelle, laughing with Arun and Jordy, gossiping with Lacy whenever she had time, Jenna had constantly tried to get Frey's attention. It was to no avail. Frey had been working at first, and she wasn't really happy that he switched places with a guy called Leo, so he could work along side Lacy and Daniel. Jenna knew him well enough he didn't care about Lacy in the least. The two couldn't stand each other.

He wanted to work along side Daniel, and Jenna tried to get Frey to at least show her some affection—even if it would be in the form of innocent smiles and flirtatious remarks, but she didn't get much out of him.

Where did the Frey go that had been flirting with her while baking a cake? Or when they had their date?

Why did he grant her no attention whatsoever whenever Daniel was nearby?

She worried. She felt as if she was losing their stupid battle for his attention, for his love.

For crying out loud, she hated him not too long ago, and now she wanted nothing more than have him send her a smile.

Daniel stood in her way, that much was obvious.

And Daniel was way better at flirting and teasing a guy than she was. Jenna was too scared to hit on the wrong guy to really open up to any guy. She wanted to open up to Frey more than she did, but she didn't know how.

How would she bring up the fact she had an abusive ex-boyfriend that had beaten her to pulp every time she denied him sex? She had been fifteen and not being ready to have sex should've been accepted.

But Robby was eighteen, had his needs, and more than once tried to force himself upon her. And now Jenna freaked out every time Frey pressed a kiss on her cheek or hugged her close to him.

She loved every bit about it, but she still freaked out nonetheless.

And she felt as if keeping things on a platonic level, a superficial level, was pushing Frey away; right in the arms of Daniel. Who had no trouble showing affection even though Mitchel had been abusive to some degree too.

She knew she had to step up her game, or Frey would start thinking she wasn't as interested in him as she was.

And she knew, because once Daniel announced he was going to bring Frey home—like he always did—Jenna had run after them to catch up, because she wanted to invite Frey over to her dance recital the next day; only to find the boys kissing as if there was no tomorrow.

She was shocked, frozen in her spot, while Daniel had pushed Frey against a wall and Frey had moaned when Daniel had moved his hips.

She still couldn't move, scared they would notice her, shamelessly staring at them like some sort of stalker. She simply couldn't look away, not even when her vision blurred by tears that started to form.

Sure, Frey had kissed her before too.

But not like that.

Not with that much longing, that much passion.

She had watched them walk away after a while, and still stood in her spot, crying silently because she felt her heart yarn for Frey to come back and tell her it was all a joke, and he wasn't taking Daniel home right in that moment.

She had eventually turned around, grabbed her bike and gone home, pondering over how to get Frey to like her more.

Her sadness had eventually made place for anger. She wasn't angry at Frey. She knew he was sexually active and she considered it a compliment he hadn't hit on anyone else since Michelle.

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