Chapter 39 - Forgive [Daniel Quinn]

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Monday, early evening

     Daniel wanted to hold Frey's hand, squeeze it to comfort him with the knowledge he was right by his side.

He wanted to put his arms around the boy, hug him tightly, and protect him for whatever painful things his mother could tell him—if she would still stubbornly try to deny the fact Frey had a Bipolar Disorder.

He wanted to kiss his cheek, or his soft lips, to let him know how much he liked him, even though he had a troubled mind. That he was perfect just the way he was. Even the parts that Daniel previously claimed to dislike. The big mouthed, loud and wordy Frey that acted as if he was king of the world and they all should bend for him and kiss the floor he walked on.

But now that he knew what exactly caused Frey's troubled mind, he knew Frey couldn't control that side to him. He couldn't fight it, because he really felt it at times. Frey believed he was king of the world, because he was hypomanic at times, and his mind would simply play tricks on Frey himself.

Daniel wanted to help him so badly, knowing he couldn't do anything besides support him.

Which was one of the reasons he went home with Frey, even if his mother had no knowledge of their relationship, or probably even the fact Frey was into guys.

It would've made way more sense if Frey would've taken Arun with him, but it was too late to back out.

It was no surprise at all when his mother had finished suffocating Frey in hugs and covering him in kisses, that she turned to face him with a confused frown.

"And who is this?" She asked—obviously addressing Frey—while sending him a bit of a displeased look.

"This is Daniel Quinn... he's eh... one of my best friends."

"What about Arun? I like Arun, he knows how to keep you calm and on the right path." His mother clearly wanted him out, but Daniel ignored her.

Frey wanted him here, and that was all he needed to know. As long as Frey wouldn't send him away, he was there to stay right by his side.

"Yeah. Arun is still my best friend." Frey shrugged, and his mother ushered him to walk into the kitchen, Daniel following suit in silence. "But we're not here to talk about my friends."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"My Bipolar Disorder."

"Oh... well... I sort of promised your father not to talk about it with you."


"Because your father and I disagree, and he thinks I upset you by stating my opinion. Apparently, I'm not allowed to have an opinion."

Frey's mother acted hurt—as if she was the one who was being belittled. But Daniel instantly recognised the woman Frey had described so many times before, in the woman in front of them.

They hadn't even taken a seat or Frey was already shaking, and Daniel saw he was confused, and actually hurt.

"What do you mean, opinion?" Frey eventually spat out, and Daniel quickly slid in a chair next to him to grab his hand comfortingly; trying to calm him down.

"In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with you. And you most certainly don't need medication that'll ruin your body..."

"You can't just say that you think nothing his wrong, and than expect everyone to blindly follow you and your plans." Frey grumbled, rolling his eyes. Daniel knew, if his mother wouldn't tone down quickly, Frey would leave without making amends with her. And Daniel really wanted the two of them to realise how valuable their relationship is, and the fact neither of them is terminally ill.

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