Chapter 6 - Seething [Jenna Lark]

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Wednesday, evening

     Jenna watched how her biggest rival in the local dance-world, Julia Sanders, was stretching to prepare today's practise. The apple of everybody's eye that had anything to do with dancing, and she just had to join ballet now too.

Couldn't the Sanders family just... leave?

She worked so hard to get to the point were she was the best of the best in and outside of town. She even was competing on national levels, and then Julia came along, and nailed all performances as if it was her second nature to dance.

When Jenna saw her first during ballet practise last Saturday, she had secretly hoped the girl who was an absolute talent in jazz-dance and street dance, would suck at ballet.

She would've enjoyed seeing Julia struggle for once.

She would enjoy seeing any of the Sanders family struggle with anything, but some weren't meant for a hard life.

Not that Jenna could complain—besides the fact her twin-brother was an emptyheaded jerk. She had loving parents, she had brains, she wasn't ugly, and she had plenty of friends. Money wasn't an issue to her. Not that they were rich, but in comparison to Lacy and Daniel, they had enough for a decent living.

"Maybe, if you stare more intense, she'll just drop dead on the spot." Lacy sounded amused, and seconds after her words, she herself came into vision, smiling down at an already warmed-up Jenna.

"I kinda hoped she would. Ever since Frey acted like a jerk on Friday and she had that whole air of entitlement around her on Saturday, I just want them all to disappear. The whole Sanders family, that is."

"Hey now, Peter is a decent guy, a great boss, and I need that job." Lacy protested while Michelle joined their trio in the room, that was slowly filling up with more girls.

Julia kept to herself in the far end of the room, doing her own preparations before class started; all while looking as if she felt to good to be in a room with the rest. She looked as if she didn't want to be there in the first place, and Jenna couldn't help but wonder why her rich-ass parents didn't just pay someone to give her private lessons.

At least that would mean Jenna didn't have to look at her biggest rival, already being better than most girls were after years of practising ballet.

But then her eyes found Michelle, fiddling and shuffling shyly on the side. Her eyes were red, her face was pale and there was left-over evidence she had been crying.

"Shelly, what's wrong?" Jenna frowned and pushed herself up to face her, when she noticed Michelle was also staring at Julia, and her eyes started to water again. "What happened?"

"Frey Sanders, that happened." Lacy grumbled, crossing her arms to send a dirty look in Julia's direction.

"What did he do now? I thought we all agreed you should stay away from him."

"But... I like him..." Michelle whispered, visibly trying not to cry again. "And last Saturday he came over with my favourite wine, and he was so sweet, and kind and I thought he was actually into me..."

"Wait, no." Jenna stared at her best friend in horror. "Don't tell me you fell for that again."

"But... you don't know how charming he can be!" Michelle whisper-screamed at her. "Frey just knows what to say, to make you feel... understood, and loved, I don't know..."

"And then he totally got rude on Monday, told her it was just fun, and I don't know what he said exactly because every time Shelly is trying to tell me, she cries again."

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