Chapter 12 - A different side [Jenna Lark]

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Wednesday, midday

     Jenna couldn't help but stare at the conversation Daniel had fabricated with Frey Sanders. She felt both impressed and a bit... disgusted.

Daniel had used some of his own hobbies and interests to keep the conversations going, and Frey had somewhat shown interest in it, probably simply trying to impress the girl he thought he was texting with.

If only he knew he was trying to impress a group of revengeful friends, not succeeding in the least.

Although, she got the impression Daniel was enjoying this a little too much, which was why Lacy and Jenna had taken his phone away from him. He had been unfocused during most of his classes—according to Lacy—and even almost got in trouble for chatting with Frey in class, almost caught by a teacher. He had been like that ever since Frey started actively replying in their chat last Monday, and Lacy voiced her worry not too long ago, right before Daniel walked up to them to tell them about the date that was now planned for tonight.

She knew she had to give it back soon, because she had to go to ballet-practise and Daniel would probably go to the bar they were luring Frey to, to film the whole ordeal.

"What time are you guys meeting again? Or..." Lacy laughed out a little. "What time is Frey expecting to meet Vicky?"

"At ten because I have to work first." Daniel explained with a shrug, snatching the phone away from Jenna's hold again.

"Damn, guess we'll miss the fun." Lacy grumbled, and Jenna nodded since practise ended at 9:30 p.m. and along with showering and driving that way, they wouldn't be able to be there at exactly ten o'clock.

"We'll just hurry over. He'll probably wait for a little while, right?" Jenna asked unsurely. "He isn't leaving as soon as it's ten and she isn't there."

"I guess he'll wait for a little while." Daniel shrugged, and smirked as Frey sent him an innocent text to tell him he was looking forward to meeting 'her'.

"Danny!" Jenna groaned, again snatching the phone away. "Don't tell me you actually like talking to him."

"I'm not!" He called out in defence. "You guys told me to act flirty and suggestive. It's what I did, Jenna."

"And you did perfectly, but that smile, Danny..." Jenna rolled her eyes at her friend, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Don't tell me you like flirting with Frey." Lacy crossed her arms, sending him an unimpressed look.

"I like messing with him." Daniel hastily replied, but Jenna didn't buy it. She knew that smile on his face, and it was the same smile he always showed when he still was enchanted by Mitchel—despite Mitchel treating him like shit. What was it with Daniel and his attraction to assholes like Mitchel and Frey? "It's not about the conversations. I just did what I had to, to get him to ask me—"

"Vicky." Lacy corrected him with a sigh.

"—Vicky out on a date."

"Whatever," Jenna grumbled. "Just don't fall for him. He's an asshole that has no manners whatsoever."

"I'm not falling for him."

"And the date is tonight." Jenna changed subjects, knowing there was no use in trying to get Daniel to admit he already liked Frey from the first day he met the boy. She knew her friends well enough.

It wasn't as much as an issue, as long as his hatred for Frey was bigger than his interest in him. But Jenna did not want her friend to end up in another situation like he had been in with Mitchel.

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