Chapter 14 - Friend [Frey Sanders]

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Thursday, morning

     Frey had become the laughing stock of the town overnight, and while he already felt bad enough for what happened, Samuel posted a series of pictures from the night before in which Frey was alone, depressed and visibly panicking.

Frey was going to take his revenge for this, but not that day.

That day—since his father wasn't even aware he was there—he hid in bed, and texted his father he was going to school, while in secret, he wasn't going to leave his bed.

His father wasn't even going to be home during the day, having an appointment to take a look at several apartments around town with more space.

Frey had the apartment to himself, and he didn't plan on leaving any time soon. Even though Jenna tried to help him out by pretending to be his date, Samuel still had plenty of footage to humiliate him anyway.

And he had nothing to pretend he had an actual date indeed.

Besides, it didn't even really matter, since Frey was panicking in the pictures, and that was evident. It showed people how weak he could be, and that, he hated.

Frey stayed in bed until somewhere after noon, only getting up because he was getting hungry. He checked his phone just than, after ignoring it for hours, while grabbing himself some yoghurt and water.

He frowned, when Facebook notified him that he was tagged in a message, and he opened it, expecting more mocking, finding a tagged picture of him and Jenna, that she had snapped without his knowledge, while they were both laughing over something.

She commented by tagging him, and thanking him for 'a lovely date', including a couple of kisses and a heart-emoji.

Frey felt his face heat up a bit, as he noticed she already had dozens of likes for the picture.

She had also sent him a friend-request and a private message. It was a short message, asking him how he was doing.

It was little, it was innocent, but it made Frey smile nonetheless.

Especially after he went to Samuel's page, to see the pictures had been removed.

Frey replied by telling Jenna he wasn't doing all too well, and that he had stayed home.

He cut up an apple and a banana, throwing the fruit in his yoghurt, kind of waiting for a reply from Jenna—not really knowing why he was so eager to hear from her again.

Did he like her?

She did make him laugh in his worst moment. She did calm him down just by showing up. And besides obnoxiously stubborn Arun and Hendrik, she was the only one so far who had checked in to see how he was doing.

So, maybe he just appreciated her kindness.

That had to be it.

Still, he smiled as soon as she replied, asking him if he wanted to laugh.

Of course, he replied that he wanted to laugh, wondering what she could tell him that would make him laugh.

She sent him a picture in response, and in the picture, Samuel was sleeping. And he wasn't just sleeping; he had his thumb in his mouth like a fucking toddler.

Frey laughed at the picture, and he couldn't stop for a while, before he was able to reply a 'hahaha' back to her, and then decided to send her a picture of himself, still laughing a bit, to show her that she had actually succeeded.

Frey took in a deep breath, still smiling, sitting down on the couch with his yoghurt—now also a bit of honey in it—and his phone in his hands.

For the next hour, he chatted with Jenna, and laughed over her stupid humour. By the time she told him she had a test in school, he felt a lot better. He wished her luck, and took a shower, before he cleaned up his bedroom and went to the supermarket to buy decent food—his father still had a habit to order in every night.

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