Chapter 18 - Well, shit [Jenna Lark]

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Saturday, late evening

     Well, shit. Jenna had agreed to go on a date with none other than Frey Sanders, and now she couldn't keep her eyes away from him.

While sitting at a barstool to take a break from dancing with her friends, Jenna kept following Frey around while he was working.

Three things stood out that night. First of all; Frey wasn't drinking any alcoholic drinks during his shift.

Secondly, every time he reached for a bottle on the shelves his shirt would go up just enough for her to see a thin line of his skin—it gave her giddy feelings to know she touched that skin.

And the third thing that stood out? Daniel and Frey were acting weird around each other, and Jenna didn't know Frey well enough to understand what was going on in his case. But she did know Daniel well enough to know what he was doing; he was innocently teasing Frey. He was flirting.

She had watched them going about their usual business for while, went back to dancing, and returned to find Daniel and Frey standing back to chest; Frey handling the register, Daniel grabbing something from the shelve above his head. He didn't have to stand behind Frey to grab the bottle; he could've easily reached to it from the side and leave Frey be.

But he didn't, and Jenna couldn't help but frown at the interaction between the boys. And every time Daniel touched Frey in any way, Frey's would blush a little more than he was already doing due to the heat in the club.

She wasn't the type to be jealous easily, and most especially not when it came to Daniel, since he would never do anything that would hurt her—or anyone in general. But Daniel was acting weird, and it worried her a bit, since she knew his mother was going in for treatment soon and he always acted a bit off whenever that was going to happen.

But that day, his behaviour had been off even worse, and Jenna knew him well enough to know he liked Frey, and something between them happened and caused them to no longer fight.

Had Frey taken her up on her advice and talked to Daniel about the miscommunication?

Jenna didn't really know what to think of it, so when the crowd around the bar slimmed down, and Lacy, Frey and Daniel weren't running around to get everyone as much drinks as fast as possible, she pulled Daniel aside to ask him about it.

"Wow, Jen, what's wrong?" Daniel chuckled as she squeezed his wrist painfully hard.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?"

"Your flirting with Frey." Jenna grumbled in annoyance. "Didn't I tell you he asked me out on a date right before you started working?"

"You did, yes. But you also said you didn't know what to think of it yet, since you don't really know him that well."

"So... that is a sign you can go ahead and flirt with the guy I'm interested in?" Jenna rolled her eyes, slumping down on a barstool tiredly. "Danny, be honest. Do you like him?"

"Yeah, and you know I do. You know I liked him from the moment I met him and the only reason I never did anything with those feelings, is because I was with Mitchel, and then I didn't want another jerk as a boyfriend."

"And because Frey is straight."

"He isn't."

Jenna—who had just taken a sip from her drink—spat the drink out to the floor. "What?"

"He... we... Eh..." Daniel scratched the back of his head. "We kissed."

"What!?" Jenna hissed, leaning to the left a bit to look at Frey, who was arguing with Lacy about something—possibly their date—and frowned. "When did that happen?"

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