Chapter 1 - Who Cares? [Frey Sanders]

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Monday, lunchtime

     As Arun shook his head in disapproval over Frey's recent actions, the other boy simply smirked daringly and turned him his back, showing Hendrik a picture of his latest one-night-stand last Saturday.

They had both been a bit drunk, but other than Frey, the girl wasn't capable of judging her actions fairly. She was too far from sober to make any call at all.

Frey might've taken advantage of her for that.

But with Sparkl's pool of available hot girls quickly running dry, he needed some action, and the girl had been all too willing to please him.

"By the looks of her, she seems shy, but that mouth though..." Frey whistled in appreciation, clearly remembering what the girl was capable of with her mouth, other then talking and decent kissing.

"So, how do you do it, Frey?" Hendrik asked with a slightly nervous chuckle, both jealousy and disapproval flashing in the boy's eyes.

Disapproval was something Frey evidently found in other's people eyes whenever he, or his actions, were the subject of a conversation.

Frey liked to think it was jealousy, but he knew better.

His actions were far from decent, or courtly. They were far from acceptable.

He had used plenty of girls for his own pleasure. So many, he lost count.

Half of those girls hated his guts, half of them still admired him whenever he released some charms at them.

But for them to really admire him, falling for his seductions, they needed to have alcohol running through their veins.

But whenever they did, Frey found himself too charming to resist, and his success proved him right.

Whenever he tried, and played his cards well, they would only see his good sides, as little as there were good sides to him.

Frey could be funny, and girls sure liked it about the boy. But he was funny only on good days.

He was intelligent, though he simply refused to use his brains for educational purpose, rather using it to lure girls into bed, make money, or getting back at people who fucked him over.

As long as people left Frey alone, he left them alone.

Except for hot girls; Frey would always try to fool around with hot girls.

It sounded superficial, even to Frey when he thought about it. But what could he say? It was superficial.

But Frey surely didn't need to sweep a girl off her feet, get into a serious relationship or build a future with someone. He wasn't going to get married, and sure as hell wasn't going to raise any kids.

He wasn't the romantic type of person who'd take girls out on dates to spoil them. If any, he would only take a really hot girl out on a date to get into her pants later.

He didn't buy them presents for any other reason either.

And he surely would never serve them breakfast, for the simple reason Frey would never take them home whenever his mother would be there to see them.

That would mean a crossfire of questions about the girl, and the possibility of him dating her. Mom would probably ground him for life whenever she found out about his ways with girls.

Frey usually resolved in taking girls to their own houses, so he could sneak out early in the morning to prevent having to meet any of the parents.

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