Chapter 28 - Protecting [Frey Sanders]

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Wednesday, early evening

     After the date with Daniel changed into a simple hang-out session with their friends, Frey felt a bit disappointed. It wasn't like he felt like their date got ruined, simply because it wasn't really their date in the first place.

But he did feel disappointed because Daniel and Jordy had suggested to drop Michelle and Lacy off at home. He hadn't even gotten an actual kiss, and now he longed for one.

But Daniel hadn't been in school and Frey hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him about an actual date.

He wanted to go over after school, but Daniel wasn't answering his phone either, and Frey had no idea if he was home or would be working on Wednesday too. Besides, even if Daniel would be home, he didn't know if he was welcome to come over.

He had no idea how much their 'relationship' had progressed by now, and if casually dropping by while Frey knew Daniel's mother was sick, was acceptable.

So, he kept calling in the hopes of reaching Daniel and ask him to hang out.

In the mean time he was keeping Jenna at a safe distance, since she asked him if they could talk.

He didn't mind talking to Jenna or hanging out with her. But he did mind the fact she was so eagerly trying to be with him all the time, that he still hadn't had much alone-time with Daniel.

Except for the fact they had sex last weekend.

That had been very intimate alone-time. And Frey had caught himself fantasizing about it in the shower twice already.

Which made him wonder if he was more into Daniel than he was into Jenna. Besides the fact he felt happy whenever he was with her, he hadn't fantasized about her so far.

Besides a couple of kisses, they had mostly bonded. While Frey and Daniel hadn't really bonded so far. They had mostly been physical, either in the form of teasing, kissing, or the heated sex on Saturday.

Whatever he'd made of it, whatever he had with Jenna was mostly romantic, while with Daniel it was more a physical thing.

But there was still the nagging voice in the back of his mind that told him he had always found Jenna attractive, and the fact Daniel and him had actually both felt a click during their short chat on Sparkl—even though Frey hadn't known it was Daniel until later.

So, why wasn't he acting upon his attraction to Jenna, and why wasn't he trying to get to know Daniel better on a personal level?

Well, for starters, Daniel was currently not responding to him, and Jenna was being a bit clingy—which Frey disliked.

But then she shot him a text that told him she felt as if her ex Robby was following her and she was too afraid to go out on her own.

He had asked her if her parents couldn't bring her, or Samuel, but she said she didn't want them to make a big deal out of it.

And since Daniel wasn't answering his phone anyway, he reluctantly agreed to bring her to ballet, and bring her home afterwards.

He wouldn't have done it, if it wouldn't be for the fact he hadn't talked to Julia in the past few days, and he missed his sister.

He told his father he was going out to meet with Jenna and left it at that—despite his father asking if it would be a date and wiggling his eyebrows.

He replied with a simple roll of the eye at his stupid humour and left after grabbing a coat to wear.

He jumped on his bike and even on his way to Jenna, he kept checking his phone to see if Daniel would reply, but eventually he gave up and figured he was probably busy working to be able to pay for food or whatever he needed to pay for.

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