Extra, Extra!

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Hello and welcome to the end of Bilateral!

I've distanced myself from this story and this world for a long time (it was written in 2018), but recently my mind is taken back to Frey and his friends a lot.

Which is why I decided to enlarge this particular universe with another book! (yay!)

Collusion is currently still in progress, and solely available on tapas.io/junedsilver. Collusion revolves around a boy named Noah Sahlberg, who moves to South Cedar. There, he quickly befriends Julia Sanders (yess, Frey's sister). The story is about new characters, but will give small insights on Frey's future and even a bit of their past ^^

As soon as the story is completed, I will start uploading it here as well! For the time being, will I see you on Tapas?

Love, June

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