Chapter 3

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Hiccup POV

After watching Astrid go into Heather's apartment. The day we met i felt like she was different from every other girl i've dated or met.

Merida my girlfriend is not like her, she has an attitude and doesn't listen i always have to bail for her. she doesn't care about what i think she only cares about herself.

i park the car in the drive way. I get out of the car and look up at the sky. The stars are shining brighter than ever. I walk up the steps to my house, well more of a mansion. When i walk inside all i hear is complete silence.

My dad must be in his study and my mom might be in her room. I walk upstairs and knock on my parent's door. "Come in" says my mother. I open the door and walk inside. "Hows the greatest mom feeling?" i say as i sit on the edge of the bed beside her. "I'm good what about you?, did you tell merida how you feel?" she asks me. i rub the back of my neck, "Well actually its been a pretty wacky day" i say with a crooked grin. "Tell me" she says as she pats the side of the bed beside her. i walk over to the other side of the bed and sit with her. "Come on don't be shy explain" she says a bit impatiently. "Well when i was walking around town i bumped into a girl" i say nervously. she smiles, "Was she your type?" she says teasingly. "Mom" i groan. she giggles, "Oh come on your not gonna let your poor mother not know about your life" she teases. "Fine well i bumped into her and helped her carry her groceries home" i explain, "Then snotlout took me to a modeling show, apparently Ruff was in the show. Then i saw her again, she looked amazing" i say staring at wall. she chuckles, "Seems like this girl has you under her spell" she says teasingly. "Ya she's the most beautiful girl in the world" i say staring at the wall again. she chuckles, "Well lover boy you should be going to bed you have work tommorow" she says patting my shoulder. "Ya" i say getting up. "oh and Hiccup your father asked if you could show me around the company tommorow" she says excitedly. "Of course it would be an honor" i tease. she laughs. "What is the lucky girl's name?" she asks. "Astrid" i say dreamily. "What does she look like?" she asks curiously. "She has the most beautiful blue eyes, her hair is like gold and her lips are red" i say starting to drool a bit. "Hey your drooling" she says closing my mouth.

Suddenly a black labrador rushes in. "Toothless" i say as he licks my face. other two dogs come in. "Cloudjumper and skullcrusher" says my mom as they both start licking her face.

"Come on bud time for bed" i say as i get up. "Goodnight son" says my mother as i kiss her cheek. "Goodnight mom" i say as i head out the door and into my room. i change into my pajamas and lay on my bed. every attempt to fall asleep is useless. all i can think about is Astrid.

so i lay in bed unable to sleep.

Astrid POV

i wake up, my hands handcuffed and chained to the ground. Suddenly my feet feel wet.

i look down and notice water rising and start to panic. "Help someone help me!" i yell out desperately. i pull and pull at the chains, they won't break. the water is now above my waist.

"Please someone help me!!" i yell again. i can hear footsteps and the noise of the water running. "Astrid you chose this fate" i hear a voice say. "Who are you?! show yourself!" i yell.

"The same person who killed your mother" says Dagur laughing maniacally at the end. "Leave me alone!, i never meant to kill your father!" i yell.

"You did you had the intention of killing him!" he yells angrily. "I didn't mean to!, i had to protect my mother or else he could've hurt her!" i yell. "You don't know what protecting someone is!" he yells again. "And for that you'll pay" he says as i look to my left and notice Hiccup. "Don't!!" i yell. "Now you'll know what its like to die" he says as he holds up a gun pointed at me. "Let her go, i'm the one you want just stop!!" yells Hiccup. "No!!, just get done with it already end my life so i won't remind you of that day!!, Just do it!!" i yell. he pulls the trigger and the bullet goes through me.

I wake up sweating, "It was just a dream it wasn't true" i say cryingvto breath calmly. The memory of my mother runs through my head.

"I miss you so much" i whisper while hugging my knees to my chest. i pick up my phone and look at the time. 5:00 am. i sigh, and pull the covers over my head.

knowing more nightmares will haunt me.

~In le Morning~

I wake up with the sun shining through the window. "Astrid can i come in?" says Heather through the other side of the door. "Ya come in" i say as she opens the door. she comes in with a glass of orange juice and pancakes. "I know its not much but you still need to eat" she says handing the juice and pancakes to me.

"Its fine" i say as i take a bite of the pancakes. "i have t get a job and fijd my own place to stay" i say before i drink my orange juice. "Why?" she says confused. "Cuz i just can't live off of you" i reply.

"Ya but this is what friends are for" she says happily. "Well i need i'm going to the gym today, wanna come?" she asks me. "Sure it'll help me take my mind off things" i say as i get up.

"I have some clothes you can borrow if you want" she says taking the cup and the plate from my hands. "Thanks" i say. She smiles, "What are friends for" she says as she leaves the room.

i look at the bag beside me full of the only remains from the fire. i decide not to look at it yet it'll only depress me. And the memory of that man, i killed no one knkws about that but my father and brother and of course my mother who rests in peace.

Heather comes in with some skinny jeans, black flats a black leather jacket and a red shirt. "Is this okay?" she asks me as she sets down the clothes and shoes. "Ya its fine" i say as i get up and take the clothes and walk into to the bathroom to change.


After i change i head out of the bathroom andinto the kitchen. "Ready to go?" she says with the hand on the door. "Wait i don't have anything to wear for the gym" i say while looking at her. "Don't worry i'm bringing some extra clothes for you to wear" she says with a smile. "Okay lets go" she says as she opens the door.

We walk down to stairs onto the paved sidewalk. We walk into her car and drive all the way to the gym.


When we get there, as we open the doors all i see is machines and people. Mostly men trying to flirt with girls or showing off.

But the first face is see surprises me the most. I see Hiccup talking to a white haired boy.


hi people so sorry for not updating but i had to do this. i only wrote this chapter in a few minutes cuz i was cleaning and i still have too.

also if u have any questions just pm me or just ask in the comments and i'll answer u as soon as i can.

hopefully u guys liked this chapter comment if u did don't if u didn't.

so thats it for now bye my pepitos.


#RIP Robin Williams

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