Chapter 34

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Astrid POV

Hiccup and I change into shorts and t-shirts. We wait at the docks of Las Vegas, the sun Burning me.

People sprawled out on the beach, other playing volleyball or swimming. other racing boats and others chilling over on their boats.

Others sitting on the beach admiring the veiw, photographers pass by taking pictures of the scenery and such.

"There's the boat" says Hiccup, as a pretty big boat, stops at the docks. a man hops off and ties the boat to the dock.

"Hola Señor Hipo" says the man in a Spanish accent. "hola pedro" says Hiccup, he can speak spanish?! Who knew!

I walk behind Hiccup as they talk, "follow me Senor" says the man. we walk into the boat.

The boat moves around scaring me a little, "you sure this is safe?" I ask holding on to the railing. "Completely, your gonna love it" says Hiccup happily.

I smile, the man unties the boat before he starts the engine and soon enough were soaring out through the ocean. The water glistens in the sun as we move.

Hiccup shouts out in happiness as we move. Look down at the water, seeing fishes, millions of them. Dolphins jump out excitedly, squeaking and jumping in and out of the water.

One jumps right over me, I smile and look back at Hiccup who smiles back in return. he walks over to me and stand at the pint of the boat, he stretches out his arms.

"I'm free!" He yells out excitedly, I laugh, "I'm the king of the world!" He says happily. "wooooo" he yells out happily.

We stop and he smiles and looks at me, "Ready to go scuba diving?" He asks, "what? Hiccup I don't know how to swim" I say as he looks at me.

"I'll teach you, but first we better get our suits on first" he says as I follow him.

Pedro, takes out a box full of scuba gear, "here Señorita" says Pedro handing me a suit along with a tank. "thank you" I say as I put it on.

"Ready" says Hiccup as he sits at the edge. "Hiccup your gonna fall" I say before he chuckles, "like this" he says falling backwards as he hits the water.

I look down and find him floating happily as dolphins swim happily around him. "come on in the waters' fine" he says as I follow.

I dive in, before I know it I'm floating, "this is amazing" says Hiccup as we look out, the place is beautiful.

"Now we swim" says Hiccup, "I don't know how" I say before he looks at me.

"Paddle like a dog and use your legs to push yourself forward" he says as he dives down.

"Here goes nothing" I say before I'm underwater.

Fishes zoom by, I swim under the boat. up above I can see the sun, it shines brighter than anything I've ever seen.

I dive down deeper, corals, reefs and fish decorate the ocean. small fish, big fish swim around.

Red fish, blue fish, green fish. Before I see Hiccup. he looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. a dolphin passes by me then stops in front of me.

He nudges my arm, I pat his nose gently. he swims away squeaking happily.

I dive deeper and before I know it, crabs, fish, sharks, star fish, all kinds of fish swim around like a big party is going on.

I swim back up and take a big breath of fresh air before Hiccup comes up siling. "how was that?" He asks while chuckling, "that was amazing" I say before he takes my hand and pulls me back on the boat with him.

We sit in the deck, and take off our gear. I laugh, "what's so funny?" He asks, "you're crazy" I say as I run a hand through my hair.

"Were both crazy" he says with a genuine smile.

By the time we get off the boat, it's already nightfall and the stars and moon are up.

"Where to now?" I ask holding his hand, "back to the hotel, I'm tired" he says as he picks me up and runs back to the hotel.

Me thinking he's the best person in the world.


When we get inside, a meal is already set up, rose petals cover the bed creating a heart. candles illuminate the room, and the scent if flowers fills my lungs.

"Wow" I say as he smiles, "do you like it?" He asks, "it's beautiful" I say as I hug him. "I hoped you'd like it" he says looking at me.

"I love it" I say as he smiles, we sit down in the table, eating happily. talking and laughing.

Before we know it, were both sleepy and we fall asleep in each other's arms once more.

Hopefully u liked it, I know I did. now I am giving you a small Spanish test not too much.

Just answer these few questions, the next chappie I'll answer them.

1) what does Señor mean?
2) What does chimuelo mean?
3)what does Hipo mean?

Short little test. hopefully u liked it and have a good night.


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