Chapter 45

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Hiccup POV

"Your coming with us to the police station" says a guy as he takes my hands behind my back.

"No you can't take him" says Astrid her voice breaking. "I didn't do anything" I say protesting. "you are under arrest for trying to Murder Julianna Benson" he says taking me away.

"No no please" cries Astrid as they pull her away from me. "Just let me talk to her please" I say as he sighs and nods.

I walk over to Astrid, she hugs me burying her face in my chest. "you did nothing it isn't fair" I say looking at him. "just be safe and help your dad get better, you'll find the money I promise just do what you can" I say before they pull my wrists.

Making me wince in pain, "no no please don't take him it isn't fair" she cries, Elsa holds her back while I look sadly at her.

If I'm not here to protect her they'll be here to protect her. I hope.

Astrid POV

I sob uncontrollably, "he didn't do anything" I say as Elsa hugs me, "we know he didn't do anything, they'll get him out we promise" she says as I sob.

"I wanna go home" I say like a child. "let's go" she says as she takes me to the elevator.

Once were down, Hiccup is still there the officers fighting to try and get him to move.

"Hiccup" I squeak, as I run towards him. I look at him and kiss him, he kisses back before they pull me back.

"Be careful" he shouts as they take him away, my heart breaks into. please don't take him.


Once we get home I hide in my room, wanting no one to see me.

If dagur's behind this I'm gonna end up kicking his butt, I think to myself before I run to the bathroom and throw up.

My stomach tens upside down, I get up holding my stomach and wash my face. "Honey are you okay?" Says my mother rushing into the bathroom, worry in her eyes.

"I don't feel so well" I say before I throw up again. "this doesn't look normal let's take you to the doctor" she says putting my arm around her shoulder to help balance me.


We sit in the doctor's office waiting to hear the results of the tests they had taken, I throw up once more in the garbage can.

The doctor comes back in as my mother pats my back, "Astrid" he says looking at me, "there's nothing wrong your perfectly normal" he says clasping his hands together. Did he just not see me throw up? Or is he blind?

"Excuse me?" I say as I hold my tummy. "your perfectly fine, except for one teeny tiny little thing" he says looking at me.

"You are pregnant" he says as I look at my tummy, "Excuse me?" I say once more. "your pregnant Astrid congratulations" he says chuckling.

My mom smiles and hugs me, "oh your gonna be a mom" she says smiling.

I think about Hiccup, he wanted a baby. or at least I think he did. would he want this? To be a father this early.

I look down at my tummy and smile, even if he doesn't accept this I will. "thank you" I say as he smiles and stands up. "how long have I been pregnant?" I ask, "3 days" he says as my mother smiles.

"Oh I'm gonna be a grandma" she says hugging me. "thank you again Doctor" says my mom as we leave the room.

I touch my tummy, and then I realize. if I have this baby, Dagur will do nothing but try and hurt him or her.

But I won't let that happen. "hi in there" says my mom as she talks to my tummy. "it's grandma speaking" she says as I giggle.

"I'm gonna call Jack and tell him you go back home. I need to buy some groceries" she says as I nod.


I lay on my bed at home, I stare at my tummy smiling. "Hopefully daddy loves you just like I do too" I say as I smile.

I hear the front door open. "Mom?" I say I hear no response, this starts to scare me. "mom?" I say as I walk out of my room.

Before I gasp and step back. "Dagur" I squeak, "I've come to finally get my revenge Astrid, so don't try and fight back" he says before a cloth covers my mouth and I fall into oblivion.

Hiccup POV

I sit in a cell, staring at the wall, a guy plays a harmonica as I look at the ceiling then the wall.

"Hiccup" says a voice. i look over to the cell door to find Jack. "Jack!" I yell out happily. "what's wrong is Astrid hurt? Is she okay?" I say worriedly.

He breathes, "okay, I got good news and bad news" he says as I nod. "Good news is....Your gonna be a dad" he says as I smile creeps up my lips.

"A dad" I say as he nods. "I'm gonna be a dad" I say as I smile as hug him through the bars.

"Bad news is.....Dagur kidnapped Astrid" he says as my smile fades. "great way to ruin the moment Jack" I say as he smiles and walks away skipping like a little kid.

"Please, don't let anything happen to Astrid and our baby please" I pray.


I am mean, anyway there are only a few chapters before the end.

Thank u for so much support and of course love for Hiccstrid!!!!!

Hopefully u liked this chapter, well sort of anyway. and I'll try and update tomorrow don't know if I'll have school to tomorrow it's snowing a lot so I might update again early.

Have a goodnight and I'll try and update soon.


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