Chapter 13

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enjoy the chapter. The picture above is of Astrid and hiccup, I do not own the picture i found it. Enjoy le chappy.


~le next day~

Astrid POV

"Hiccup where are you?!" i yell desperately, "Astrid" i hear someone say as i turn around. I find Hiccup with Merida in his arms.

"Hiccup" i say on the verge of tears, "I lied" he says pulling Merida closer to him, "Hiccup" i say softly. "I play with girls like you" says Hiccup as he kisses Merida.

"H-Hiccup" my voice trembles, "Your such an idiot Astrid" says Hiccup walking away with Merida. I fall to the floor and start crying. "Why?" i sob.

Someone touches my shoulder, i look up and see my mother. "mom" i squeak. "Honey its not real, be careful. Danger is closer than it appears" she says as i get up she touches my cheek.

"Hiccup does love you, this isn't real honey" she says with softbess in her voice. "Wake up honey" she says as she disappears.

My eyes shoot open, i'm sweating. I feel something on my neck, i walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

I gasp, the necklace my mother would wear. Its a locket, with a picture inside of my mother. "it was destroyed" i say trying to stay calm.

"Your protecting me from above aren't you" i say trying to stay calm.

"Astrid hurry up we have to go" says Heather from the other room. "Ya just give me a sec" i say as i look in the closet finding some of heathers old clothes. I put on some skinny jeans, blue canvas shoes and a white sleeveless shirt.

I head out to the kitcgen and grab an apple along with my bag and phone. "Ready to go?" asks Heather. "Yes" i say leabing against the sofa, "thats all your having for breakfast?" she asks putting her stuff in her bag.

"Yup, now lets go" i say heading out the door.


We end up riding a bus, when i dropped eater on a guy he hit me. We ended up getting kickdd iff the bus and walking to work.

"Astrid he hit you hard you have a big bruise on your arm"  she says as we walk into work. "I'll be fine" i say as Hiccup rushes in. Looking tired, "Are you okay?" i ask him, "Ya just tired" he answers.

"Okay but if you feel bad tell me" i say kissing his cheek, he smiles. He notices the bruise on my arm, "What happened?" he asks, "i fell of the bed" i lie, he crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.

"We rode the bus, she pilled water on a guy and he hit her" says Heather looking at her phone. "Snitch" i mutter.

"Who is he?, where does he live?!" asks Hiccup furious. "Its fine Hiccup" i say as we walk into the elevator. "I punched him back, we got kicked off the bus, but it was worth it" i say as he pushes a button on the elevator.

"If anyone hurts you again tell me" he says putting an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Its okatly, i can protect myself" i say kissing his cheek. As we come out i notice Merida walk into Sebastian's office. I din't pay much attention to it.

Hiccup takes his arm back from around my waist. He uses the wall to balance himself, "Are you okay?" i say worriedly.

He almost falls, "Hiccup!" i yell out worriedly. "I'm going to take you to the infirmary" i say putting his arm over my shoulder and walking into a room.


The doctor examines Hiccup, telling to take off his shirt, in case of any injuries or bruises. His muscles contract as he breaths, i bite my lip and look away.

"He's fine, just low blood sugar. Drink more water and eat more food" says The doctor. As Hiccup grabs his shirt.

"Can he work?" i ask him, "Yes just don't move around too much" he says as he leaves. I walk over to Hiccup who lies down, "You okay?" i ask him, "Ya, i just need sleep" he says breathing in and out.

His toned chest rising up and down, he sits up and looks at me with those beautiful green eyes. He kisses my forehead, i hug him tightly. He hugs back.

"Are you gonna be my nurse now?" asks Hiccup, "I don't know" i say, he chuckles, "I'm just kidding" he says putting his shirt back on. I giggle, "Come on lets get to work" i say as he climbs down from the bed and we walk together to bus office.

Merida POV

I walk into Sebastian's office, "So your Hiccup's ex girlfriend" he says getting up, "What did you want to talk to me about?" he says coming closer.

"You and me team up to separate Astrid and Hiccup" i say hating the name Astrid. "Deal, i get Astrid" he begins, "And i get Hiccup" i say happily.

"You have a plan?" i ask, "A few" he answers. "Lets plan what we'll do to sepaprate them" i say smiling devilishly. "Then lets get started" he says as we sit diwn and talk.

Hello peepadoodles, so thank u for following me, and i followed you guys back. Plz read 'Rockers Love Story' by @HiccupsAngel.

And read Popular, a book i wrote on my other account.

So thats it for now bye


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