Chapter 39

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Hiccup POV

I wake up with a large head ache, I look over to find Astrid not I bed. Instead lying on the floor.

I get out of bed and pick her up, laying her down on the bed. she snuggles herself into the blanket. "what happened last night?" I mumble.

Astrid stirs before, I lay down beside her. "You came back drunk" she says with her eyes closed.

"You were way too drunk" she says giggling. "You asked me if I wanted to make a baby with you" she says before her eyes widen and she blushes.

"I said that?!" I ask while blushing a deep shade of red. "Yup, you were very drunk, who knows where that came from" she says as she sits up.

Astrid POV

"I don't know where that came from" he says blushing, I giggle. "just tell me" I say punching his shoulder playfully.

He looks at me, "what do I have something on my face?" I ask as he takes my hands in his.

"No your just so beautiful" he says as I sigh, "and your a dork" I say as he chuckles. "Astrid" he says looking into my eyes.

"Ever since I met you, you always made my heart melt, you always made me smile, no one had ever loved me as deeply as you did. No one ever cared for me like you did"

He reaches over into his pocket, looking for something. He takes out a small velvet box.

"I wouldn't be asking you this, if I didn't love you as much" he says as he takes my hand and opens the small box.

"Astrid Hofferson will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?" He asks.

"Yes yes I'll marry you!" I shout excitedly as I hug him, he hugs back. "I love you so much" he says kissing my forehead.

"I love you too" I say as he puts the ring on my finger, he smiles happily. "I love you, I love you, I love you" he repeats over and over again while kissing my cheek.

I giggle, Hiccups phone rings as he gets up and picks it up. "Hello?" He says as I hug him, he smiles.

"Oh hi mom" he says as I lay down, "ya, no were on our way" he says smiling. "y see you there, love you too mom" he says before he hangs up.

"What happened?" I ask as he looks at me, "my mom and dad are getting married tomorrow and they want us to help with everything" he says as I smile, "so we gotta head back hole" he says as i smile.

"And soon we'll be the ones getting married" he says as I giggle with happiness.

"Come on let's pack up and go home" he says as I nod and get up. I put all my stuff in my duffel bag as Hiccup puts his stuff in his bag.

"Let's go" he says as he takes my hand and we walk out of the room.

~Back Home~

We finally arrive home, I step out of the car stretching my legs and arms.

Hiccup chuckles, "was this trip too long?" He asks, as I just laugh. "Hiccup your finally home" says Valka as she runs down the stairs of her house to hug him.

"Oh Astrid what a lovely surprise" she says with a genuine smile, "come in, we have to go to bed so tomorrow we wake up early to prepare for the wedding" she says excitedly.

"I'm so excited, I feel 20 again" she says happily. "now Astrid if you like you can sleep with my son" she says smiling happily.

"Sure" I say smiling, "I'll see you both tommorow" she says walking up the stairs happily.

"Well you look tired" says Hiccup as he picks me up. "put me down" I say as I giggle.

"Nope" he says walking up the stairs with me in his arms. he walks into his room with me, still there.

His room is decorated with trophies and small little trophies. he sets me down on the bed as if I 'd break into a million pieces.

"Now we sleep" he says covering me with the sheets. I giggle as he lays down beside me. "I love you" I say as he brushes his hand over my cheek.

"And I love you" he says as he keeps me close, and I fall asleep in his arms.


Hehe so how'd you like it?

The next one is the wedding and hopefully it's not that bad.

Thank you for so many reads peepadoodles, it makes me feel very happy when you peeps comment and vote.

Anyway thx to all of you who comment and vote.

Till next time peepadoodles.


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