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Hyun Jin's room,

It was Friday, a day before the campaign. Hyun Jin was so lazy to pack his things so he decided to use a smaller traveler backpack. The backpack was normally shaped in oval but it turned into big circle since Hyun Jin squeezed everything inside it.

"Omaigod, it looks so ugly." Hyun Jin looked at the backpack that he finished packing.

He felt unsatisfied with the ugly shape of the backpack. Trying to make it look better, he sat on the backpack.

"I think this will make it look better." Hyun Jin got up from the backpack.

The bag only turned into an oval for a second before it became a big circle back.

"Whatever." Hyun Jin was frustrated so he let the bag to look ugly.
"What if it burst?"
"It will be embarrassing."
"Well, nevermind."
"What if it burst and caused people inconvenience?"

He was going back and forth about changing the backpack.

"No, it is too dangerous. I should change the backpack." He said to himself.

Hyun Jin reached for a bigger backpack and go back to square one. He started to pack his things from the very beginning and he hated it so much.

"Line," a notification popped out from his phone.

Hyun Jin picked up his phone to check the notification. Turned out, it was a text from Felix saying that he can't bring the tent.

Line application,

Felix : Hyun Jin, I can bring the tent. My tent shattered in pieces. Probably because I haven't used it in ages.

Hyun Jin : Alright, I can bring mine.

Felix : Thank you and also sorry.

Hyun Jin : No it is fine.

Close line application.

"Where is the tent?" Hyun Jin asked himself and got up from his position to go to the house store and look for the tent.


Outside room,

"Did you meet him yesterday?" His father said to his mother out of the sudden.

"Are you trying to pick up a fight right now?" His mother replied.

Hyun Jin just stood there and watched the starting of the routine fight. The boy was annoyed but he just shook it off. Even though his father and mother always fought, they never wanted to get the children involved. Hyun Jin originally had a younger brother but he was sent away to his father's hometown and lived with the grandparents.

"Hyun Jin?" His mother looked at him and felt sorry for fighting in front of Hyun Jin.

Rather than being a nice boy and answered to his mother, Hyun Jin walked passed them and headed straight to the store. There was no point in being disappointed with his parents attitude towards each other. Hyun Jin didn't want to waste his energy on feeling disappointed as it was tiring.



Instead of packing her clothes and necessities, Hyuna was being lazy and spent her time on watching kdrama.

"I need to finish before exam start!" Hyuna said to herself, grabbing the popcorn and shoved it into her mouth.

"Ring ring," someone was calling her on the phone.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now