Thirty Six

329 17 41

School entrance,

Students went into the school through the gate one by one. That day, Hyuna and Hyun Jin weren't going to school together. Hyun Jin woke up late and told Hyuna to go first when actually he did that on purpose. The reason? Who knows. Unfortunately, Hyuna stopped by the Seven Eleven to buy canned coffee so it caused her to reach the school a little bit late. Hyuna was about to pass through the school gate when Hyun Jin came into her sight.

"Hy-!" She was about to call his name but Hyun Jin walked to the opposite direction.

"What is up with him today?"


Hyun Jin,

"Hy-!" Hyuna was about to call my name.

The sight of her made me panicked to I turned to walk to the opposite direction.

Exactly! Why am I like this?

I hit my own face and someone pulled my backpack from behind. I turned around to look at the person and it was Yu Ri.

"Hyun Jin, the teacher asked me and you to meet her." She said.

"The drug?" I asked.

Yu Ri nodded and let go of my backpack. I stole a glance to Hyuna direction and she was looking at us. Out of sudden, Hyuna rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

Why is she acting like that?



Principal office,

"Yu Ri, Hyun Jin." The principal greeted them.

"Good morning Mr Song." They greeted him back and bowed down.

"Sit sit," He instructed them and the students sat in front of him.
"Regarding the drug issue, Eun Bi, is she involved?"

"What do you mean sir? Eun Bi said the involved student stole the money from her. But I swear sir! I only wanted to use the money for dance classes!" Yu Ri said, panicked.

"I know about the dance class. But why did you let Eun Bi held the money?"

"Because I was scared that I will lose it and Eun Bi said she will put it into her bank account for a while to make sure it is secured." Yu Ri truthfully said.

"Kim Yu Ri, why did you lie to Hyuna?"

"Because it was nonsense to borrow such a large sum of money for my dance class." Yu Ri replied.

"Then, where is the dance class?"

"Eun Bi introduced me to it because she knew I wanted to take dancing classes but I never went there yet," Yu Ri started to get her eyes teary.
"But I don't think Eun Bi planned something else."

"Fine! I will run a test on you all! Positive drug and you will be done." The principal stated.

"Oh gosh," Hyun Jin sighed.


Outside office,

Yu ri and Hyun Jin stayed outside the office for a while and Hyuna happened to pass by. Actually, she planned to pass by and spy on Hyun Jin.

"I hate you Hyun Jin!" Hyuna suddenly yelled, causing Hyun Jin to weirded out.

"But why?" He caught up to her.

"Just feel like it," Hyuna replied and Hyun Jin chuckled.

"Kyeowo," Hyun Jin pinched her cheeks and smiled brightly.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now