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Director's office,

The adults were waiting for the teenagers to enter the office and as soon as they entered, they looked at them.

"Hyun Jin, are you feeling better?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, thank your for treating me." Hyun Jin struggled to bow down to him.

"Both of you, sit." Hyuna's mother said.

She didn't look that please to be in that office with other three adults but she pushed aside her personal feelings for the sakes of the kids.

"What is this about?" Hyuna asked and sat beside her mother.

"We need to discuss something." Hyuna's father said.

Jin Ho and his wife stayed in silence mood. Hyun Jin's father, Jin Ho hated to be in there and had to deal with looking at Mi Joon ( The doctor ) face.


Hospital garden,

Hyuna and Hyun Jin wouldn't stop laughing over soda. Once they looked at each other, they started to laugh again.

"This is so messed up you know." Hyun Jin said.

"My brain cells explode."

"You are copying my trademark." Hyun Jin playfully glared at her.

"Let me be!" Hyuna said.


It was seven years ago. The eleven year old Hyun Jin was living alone with his father since his mother went on a business trip. Being a head surgeon in Saekang Hospital, it was always hectic for his mother.

"Hyun Jin, eomma won't be home for a while. Appa is busy, you can play with Hyuna at times. Okay? Make sure to go to school together and come back home together." His father said, softly tapping his head.
"Don't bully her."

Hyun Jin only nodded as his mouth was full with cereal. They were eating breakfast before school started.

"I am sorry, when I have my days off, I will bring you and eomma to a vacation."

"Vacation?! Yay!" Hyun Jin smiled brightly at the mention of vacation.
"You promised! Can't take it back. Hyuna and her parents always went on a vacation. I wondered when I will I be able to go on a vacation like her."

"Aigoo, eat your breakfast and go to school after this." Jin Ho said, smiling while looking at his eleven years old son.


After school,

Hyuna and Hyun Jin were holding hands and walked out from the gate. They were jumping while walking. His father was waiting outside. He wanted to fetch his son and bring him to his mother to surprise her. Little did he know what will happen before his eyes.

"Hyun Jin! Appa is here," Jin Ho waved at his son and Hyun Jin towards him.
"Hyuna? Ajussi will send you back home, your mother will be there."

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now