Fourteen ( Camping End )

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"Student Hyun Jin,"
"Let me take a look at your injury." The nurse called Hyun Jin who was lost in his own world.

"Okay," he replied in monotone.
"Is Hyuna okay?"

"She is okay but it seems like your girlfriend need to sleep more." The nurse said and look at him with teasing expression.

"Thank you," Hyun Ji replied not noticing the girlfriend word.

He thought about it again and suddenly turned red. The nurse got worried and was about to take his temperature.

"No!" Hyun Jin said out loud, causing the nurse to startled.


"She is not my girlfriend." Hyun Jin said and the nurse laughed at his childishness.

"Not yet," the nurse said.

"Yes exactly." Hyun Jin replied.

"Goodluck then." The nurse winked at him and Hyun Jin stopped himself from talking.


10:30 p.m.

Hyun Jin was still waiting for Hyuna to wake up. Seungmin called for him to join them with dinner but he skipped dinner and chose to stay.

"Hyun Jin aa," Felix entered the tent and sat beside him.

"Hrmm." He replied but not turning his attention to Felix.

"Aigoo, my friend." Felix tapped his friend's shoulder and gave him a winter gourd boxed drink.

"Thanks." He said and took the drink from Felix.

"Don't worry much, I bet Hyuna is okay." Felix said and sipped on the banana milk.

"How do you get banana milk and mine is winter gourd?" Hyun Jin asked.

"I got two and I gave you the one I don't want." Felix replied.

"I shouldn't expect kindness from you." Hyun Jin said.

"At least I gave you one. But honestly I really hate that, how can people drink it?" Felix said while Hyun Jin was already drinking it.

With the boys talking too much, Hyuna came back to her sense but still wasn't opening her eyes. She wanted to stay like that for a while and moved her fingers.

"Ock! She moves!" Felix said and Hyun Jin checked on her.

"Hyuna? Are you awake now? Do you want something to eat?" Hyun Jin got closer and asked her.

Hyuna suddenly thought of something. Opening her eyes, the first she saw was Hyun Jin's face. From his expression, Hyuna replied to him.

"Who are you?" She said.

Hyun Jin's worries were added to the limit. Instead of answering Hyuna, he just stared at her with blank mind.

"Hyun Jin, I am Felix." Felix said and pointed to himself and Hyun Jin.

"I know you are Felix." Hyuna said and got up from her position to sit.

"How about me?" Hyun Jin asked, confused and worried.

"I don't know you." Hyuna said.

Hyun Jin closed his eyes for a while to think clearly of what was happening. In the meantime, Hyuna winked at Felix and he immediately got the signal.

"Hyuna, are you okay?" Felix said and started the act.

"I don't remember anything aside from you. How is that possible?" Hyuna said and laughed in her mind.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now