Thirty Five

315 16 48

By the beach,

The teenagers were playing by the beach and Bangchan happened to join them. You know what was called annoying by Bangchan? Jeong In wanted to follow them.

"Oh gosh," Bangchan sighed at the sight of Jeong In and Chae Young playing in the water.
"OH GOSH! I AM BEING TOO PATIENT! THAT LITTLE MAKNAE! He is getting on my nerve." He kicked the sand and caused it to get into Hyun Jin's eyes.

"Hyung! What are you doing?! I am going blind here!" Hyun Jin can't open his eyes and started to walk around like a blind person.

"YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT!" Bangchan said and ignored the blind Hyun Jin.

"What is your worry big brother?" Felix came and sat beside him.

"Chae Young aa, stop it." Bangchan whined to himself and nobody was able to hear it.

"What did you say?" Chae Young suddenly came when she was ten feet away from him.

Felix and Hyun Jin looked at each other.

"How did she hear it?" Felix whispered to Hyun Jin.

"Telepathy." Hyun Jin whispered back in yelling tone.

"They are cute, aren't they?" Felix said and giggled weirdly.

"Look at that poor little In." Hyun Jin pointed to Jeong In who was sitting on the sand alone.

His head was almost on the ground and pouted sadly after Chae Young left him there to be with Bangchan.

"I pity him." Hyun Jin suddenly smacked Felix.

Instead of feeling sad for the younger boy, Felix and Hyun Jin laughed to his misery. Quite a good friend Jeong In got there.

"Hyung!" Jeong In came to Hyun Jin and Felix.

"Wae?" They both replied in sync but somehow sounded irritating.

"Is Bangchan and Chae Young together?" Jeong In straight forwardly asked.

"Woh!" Felix triggered at the sudden question.

"It is okay In aa, you will find someone else." Hyun Jin tapped on Jeong In's shoulder and chuckled.

"WHY ARE YOU CHUCKLING?!" Jeong In pushed Hyun Jin away, feeling frustrated with the mean brother.

"Because you are cute." Felix joined Hyun Jin to laugh.

"IT IS NOT FUNNY! I AM SAD HERE!" Jeong In protested and kicked the sand, causing it to once again fly into Hyun Jin's eyes.

"Why?! Stop kicking the sand! I can't see!" Hyun Jin said and tried to clear back his vision.

Felix kicked Hyun Jin and the poor boy fell down on the sand. He was crawling to save his life from the evil friends. Unluckily, Felix pushed him again and it caused Hyun Jin to fall back on the sand. He somehow looked like a fly trying to run from the frog.

"Yah! Stop it!" Hyun Jin pleaded.

"Silheo~" Felix said and repeated his annoying action.

Giving up, Hyun Jin lied on the sand and let Felix messed him up. People usually played with water at the beach, but those kids played the sand. How irony.

"Bokie!" Ji Yeon came to Felix.
"What are you doing?" She asked and noticed him messing with lifeless Hyun Jin.

"Ji Yeon! Help me! Your boyfriend is possessed by the sand monster." Hyun Jin tried to get up but his vision still wasn't clear.

"Stop bullying him bokie aa." Ji Yeon said and Felix glared at him.

"Are you siding with Hyun Jin?"

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now