Thirty Two

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"Medicine," Hyun Jin voice from earlier was heard.

"MEDICINE!" Somehow the medicine talked by it self.
"Medicine is delicious."

Images of white pills dancing can be seen and the song played behind the dancing scene sounded creepy.

"MEEEEEDICINEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Hyuna was dreaming about eating medicine and it woken her up in the bus.

She looked at behind her and there was Hyun Jin playing with his phone. He noticed her looking without even looking at her.

"Have you take your medicine?" That was the first question he asked, eyes fixed on the phone.

The earlier dream played back in Hyuna's mind and she shook her head vigorously.

"Ya ya ya, what is wrong? Do you feel dizzy?" He asked and stopped her from shaking her head by cupping her face.

"I don't want to eat medicine." Hyuna replied, pouting.

Hyun Jin looked at her and let out a sigh.

"Tell me, why you don't want to eat medicine?" Shockingly, he turned into a soft spoken boyfriend material.

"It taste like! I don't know! It isn't delicious." Hyuna tried to explain but she just hate medicine.

"Okay okay,"
"Let's try an alternative and eat the medicine if it doesn't work." Hyun Jin suggested and gave Hyuna a blanket.

"I have one." Hyuna pulled up her blanket.

"You need to sweat yourself out, then you will feel better." Hyun Jin said and pulled her hand to put the blanket on it.

"Thank you! At least I don't have to eat the medicine." Hyuna hurrayed and took the blanket away.

"Only if you feel better." He said and adjusted himself to sit on the bus seat comfortably.

"But, aren't you cold?" Hyuna asked, looking at Hyun Jin who wasn't using any blanket.

"Me? I am hot, you know it too." Hyun Jin replied and winked.

"Jinie aa!" She laughed it out.


Rest stop,

The bus stopped at the resting stop and all the students went out to eat again. All they do was eating.

Instead of eating, Hyuna, Ji Yeon and Chae Young put their heads on the table and slept their pain away. Their sleeps were calming until someone came to sit in front of them. It was non other than the boys. Han tapped on the table to wake the girls up.

"Ah waeeeeeeeee!" Chae Young woke up and glared at Han.

"Aren't you all hungry?" Han asked, offering them the cupcakes.

"Cupcakes!" Ji Yeon smelled the cupcake and snatched it from Han's hand.
"Thank Han ssi!" She smiled and ate the cupcake.

"I want one too!" Chae Young said and took one.

"Eat eat, I bought for you all too." Han said, giving away the cupcakes.

"Aww! Han! You are so sweet!" Hyuna said and ate the cupcakes.

"Ouh, so you can eat cupcake but not tomatoes?" Hyun Jin ruined the moment.

"Why are you mentioning TOMATOES!" Hyuna turned into a creepy girl as she pronounced the tomatoes vegetable.

"I just remembered that poor tomatoes." Hyun Jin replied.
"Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

"I am better! Look! I can smile and joke!" Hyuna said and smiled.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now