Eleven ( Camping IV )

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"If people found out we were here from yesterday,"
"They will start a rumour. It will harm you." Hyun Jin said in slow voice.

"You are right." Hyuna quietly nodded in agreement.

"Just wait for all of them to go eat breakfast first." Hyun Jin said.

They stayed in that position for a while. Honestly they were both about to die from the small distance between them. Nevertheless, Hyun Jin and Hyuna wore their poker faces on. Ji Yeon who was sleeping behind Hyuna rolled and it caused Hyuna to move even closer to Hyun Jin. Hyuna widened her eyes in embarrassment. While Felix was also moving from behind Hyun Jin.

"Omaigod!" Felix was sleeping talking and pushed Hyun Jin.

"I am really sorry." Hyun Jin apologised to Hyuna in the awkward situation.

"We should sit now," Hyuna said and tried to get up but Ji Yeon moved again and that time, it caused Hyuna's forehead to hit Hyun Jin's jawline.

Hyun Jin wasn't able to look at Hyuna's face and Hyuna wasn't able to move. In that position, if both of them move at the same time, unimaginable thing might happen so one of them should get up first. Taking the lead, Hyuna got up and she was finally able to breathe normally again.

"We finally can move again, how are we going to get out from the tent?" Hyuna asked Hyun Jin.

"Let me check first." Hyun Jin went closer to the tent's door and opened it a little to peek outside.

Fortunately, there was nobody outside the tent or around the campsite field. Hyun Jin let out a deep sigh and started to wake up his friends one by one.

"Felix, wake up." He softly shook his friend but Felix wasn't waking up.
"Wake up." Hyun Jin tried again but it still wasn't working.

Feeling infuriated, Hyun Jin took the pillow and smashed Felix's face with it. The action ultimately woken up the sleepy Felix. He was fast awaken and sat down as soon as he opened his eyes. Usually, waking up from sleep like that will cause your head to kill you during the day.

"We need to get out from here before other people come back from breakfast." Hyun Jin said.

"okay," Felix replied while rubbing his eyes, still sleepy.

The sleepy Felix and wide awaken Hyun Jin tried to make the other two boys come back to reality.



The boys completed their mission impossible successfully but they have no tent to go nor clothes to change.

"I won't ever go campaign again." Han said.

"Why? This is fun," Felix said and got crossed but Han.

"It is only fun for you because Ji Yeon is here. You will be such a cry baby if she isn't here." Han said.

Felix glared at Han in annoyance.

"What should we do now?" Hyun Jin became a drama king and pathetically picked up his drenched backpack from the ground.

"Oh no, I brought my Calculus book with me!" Seungmin said and fast reached for his bag.

Seungmin checked on his book and the book turned in all black because of the gel pen ink that spread throughout the book. His eyes became redder as he remember that he needed to pass on the book next Wednesday. The poor boy hugged his book tight and patted on it.

"That is why you shouldn't bring book when you are having fun." Hyun Jin said.
"It will only bring you more problem and that is what you get for betraying us to study more," he annoyingly chuckled at Seungmin to piss him off.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now