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After school,

The students were finally allowed to go home but Hyun Jin stayed in the class for a while. He was searching for his book.

"Hyun Jin aa, what are you looking for?" Hyuna waited for him.

"Go first, I think I lost my book." Hyun Jin replied and kept looking for his book.

"Should I help you?" Hyuna offered her help.

"No, I need to meet Mr Pyo after school. Don't wait for me." Hyun Jin said.

He lied, he just lost his book and wanted Hyuna to leave him. Hyun Jin was starting to distance himself again but he made it unclear. Since Chae Young was finally back, he thought that she can spend more time with her girl friends and forget about him as time passed. But, Hyun Jin was wrong. Hyuna never have the intention to forget him even thought it was what he hoped for.

"Ouh really? Okay then, I will go first." Hyuna said and waved to Hyun Jin.

He waved back and waited for Hyuna to leave the classroom. When she finally left, Hyun Jin sat on the chair and gave up with finding his book until someone came into the classroom. It was Yu Ri and Eun Bi. The boy didn't know about the incident that happened back at the camping. Therefore, he had nothing against the two of them.

"Hyun Jin aa, why are you still here?" Yu Ri asked him.

"Hrmm? I was looking for my book." He answered.

"How about now?" Yu Ri asked and sat beside him.

"I need to meet Mr Pyo," Hyun Jin lied again.

He felt unfair to lie to Hyuna only so he wanted to say the same thing to other people. Because it will be unfair for Hyuna. Despite that, he was still being unfair for Hyuna in some ways.

"Ouh really? Then, can you help me take my book from Mr Pyo? He told me to take it. But I kept forgetting." Yu Ri asked for help.

"Sure," Hyun Jin replied and got up from his seat.

For Hyun Jin, because he lied, maybe it didn't matter to help Yu Ri and meet Mr Pyo. After all he lied that he wanted to meet Mr Pyo to Hyuna. That will just make the lie into the truth. So he agreed.

He walked away from the classroom and the two friends started to fangirl.

"Omaigod! He is helping me!" Yu Ri said.

"What is up with Felix liking me and Hyun Jin into you?" Eun Bi said proudly.
"I mean, they are hots and rich. How lucky we are." She added.

"Do you really think that way?!" Yu Ri asked Eun Bi excitedly.

"Of course, then why did he help you?" Eun Bi said.

"You are right." Yu Ri agreed.


Outside school gate,

Hyuna was still waiting outside the school. Hyun Jin wasn't aware of it so when he exited the school gate, Hyuna walked to him.

"Did you find your book?" Hyuna asked.



I knew you lied, Hyun Jin. Why are you acting like this again? Do you think I wasn't aware of you distancing yourself from me?

"I didn't find it, let's just go home." Hyun Jin replied and put his hands in his pockets.

It was cold outside as the winter was approaching. Did the coldness freeze Hyun Jin's heart as he turned just as cold as the weather?

"Hyun Jin aa," I called his name.

"Wae?" He asked.

"By any chance, are you ignoring me?" I asked him, hoping that he will just tell the truth so I can flip the situation.

Hyun Jin was in silence for a moment. He was thinking of what to answer. I knew him.


Hyun Jin,

"By any chance, are you ignoring me?" Hyuna asked me and she looked like she already knew.

Please don't ask me that question. It made me want to ignore the reality and just stay like now. We, being friends and close to each other.

"No, I am not." I said.

"Liar," she replied and walked away.

What should I do now? I feel so bad to lie but if she knows what our parents did, she will eventually leave like this too. After all, knowing the truth won't give her any good.

"Hyuna aa, I am sorry to make you feel that way." I said out loud from behind her and she stopped walking.

"Then, was it the truth or another lie?" Hyuna asked, she sounded serious.

"Of course, it is the truth." I replied and caught up to her walking speed.

Let's just ignore it and be happy a little bit more. Just like this.




The two decided to stop by the cafe as it was too cold and they were wearing plain school uniform.

"I regret it!" Hyuna said with pouty face.

"Me too, I should've put on thicker clothes." Hyun Jin agreed and took a sip of the hot chocolate drink.

It was warmer inside the cafe as the heater was on.

"I am curious about something," Hyuna said.

"What is it?" Hyun Jin asked.

"Why did you take pure science when you wanted to be a singer?" Hyuna asked.
"I meant, you were always bragging about being a singer when you grow older."

"I said that?!" Hyun Jin mocked himself.

"Yeah, you were always talking about how well you sing and your looks. You are annoying." Hyuna laughed.

"Are you sure it was me?" Hyun Jin was also agreeing about how annoying he was.

However, Hyun Jin still wanted to be a singer. He just can't do it. Being his mother's hope and the fact that he did well in school also made his mother wanted him to grow up and be the next successor of his father group. Hyun Jin threw away his dream and chose to follow what his mother wanted since it was really hard for mother to raise him in that family.

They said to never live for someone else, but living for someone you care also considered as living for yourself. Because, their happiness will make you happy even when it meant to sacrifice yourself. But that mind set will only hurt you more as you grow up, because regrets will be piled up in your heart and that time you will be pitying yourself more than anyone else.

"I am also curious about something, what did you and Yu Ri talked about?" Hyun Jin asked.

"She needed my help on something. It is nothing to worry about."
"Hyun Jin, should we go now? We are only 6 minutes away from home and it is warmer now since he stole all the heat from here." Hyuna changed the topic.

"Should we? Let's go." Hyun Jin got up from the chair and walked with Hyuna.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now