Thirty Seven

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Hyun Jin was eating dinner at the dinning and heard his parents shouting to each other in the living room. The routine, once again Hyun Jin ignored it.

"Fuck, this is annoying." He said to himself.

"Divorce me! Why are you divorcing me?! Keeping me because you need money?!" His father yelled.

"What is this about again?! Can you please grow up?! I am tired of this!" His mother yelled back.

Frustrated, Hyun Jin stopped eating and threw the food into the bin. He sat back on the stool and looked to nowhere through the window.

"If it wasn't for Hyun Jin! I won't be here anymore!" Mother said.

"Then! Left him with me! You are good with that."

Hyun Jin somehow felt like a burden to his mother. Because of him, his mother endured all the stupid attitudes his father gave to her. He wanted to ignore it but it was just too noisy and again it was too much to bare and listen. The boy got up from the stool and headed to the living room. School was the best place for Hyun Jin to be and he wanted to stay there forever. Being with his friends made him forgot about the family he got at home.

"Eomma, I am going out." Hyun Jin softly said to his mother.

"Where are you going? Choose, me or your mother?" His father suddenly asked.

It sounded childish and Hyun Jin was judging him inside his mind.

"Sort it out yourself. Divorce or not, I have nothing to do with your decision." Hyun Jin snapped, he was more than just annoyed.

As he was about to walk away, his father pulled him to ask him the same question but it caused Hyun Jin to slip. In that chaos, Hyun Jin tried to balance himself but failed to do. Unfortunately, Hyun Jin fell and his head hit the corner of the living room table. Just in few second, he lost his consciousness. Lifeless, blood rushed out from his head and Hyun Jin turned paler than he originally was.

"Hyun Jin!" His mother panicked.

"Jin aa! Come to your sense! You can't lose consciousness right now!" His father kneeled down and slowly tapped his face multiple times.

"Hyun Jin aa." His mother started to cry.

"Call the hospital!" His father said, eyes teary and felt guilty for causing Hyun Jin to be in that condition.

Never in million years he wanted to physically harm his family.


Daesung Hospital,

Things happened in blink of an eye and nobody can predict the unfortunate or the fortunate. Three hours after the incident, Hyun Jin was getting stitched up and his parents were waiting outside the emergency room. The director was the only doctor available and he was in charged of Hyun Jin operation.

"Ajumma, how is Hyun Jin?" Felix ran to her, praying in his heart for his friend.

Hyun Jin's mother informed Felix as she was more familiar with him.

"Still in there." She replied, sobbing and pointed to the emergency operation room. 
"I am sorry to bother you at night like this, I figured that Hyun Jin probably needs his friend more than his parents at time."

"I am grateful that I ajumma informed me. I am Hyun Jin's friend after all, I need to know if anything happen to him."

"Thank you Felix," she replied, tapping Felix's hands.
"Is Hyun Jin fine in school?"

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now