Twevle ( Camping V )

448 24 17

Hyuna and Hyun Jin have been going around the campsite for quite long, yet they haven't found a single bird.

"Yah! Stupid birds! Come out!" The devastated Hyun Jin yelled and caused birds to fly from the trees.

"Ouh! We finally able to see one species."
"How did you do that?!" Hyuna was excited and she snapped multiple pictures for the evidence.

"The birds agree that they are stupid, that's why." Hyun Jin said with pouty face.
"Can this mission get any more boring?"

"Hyun Jin! It is already 7:30 p.m." Hyuna looked at her watch.

"Really?! And we need to find 4 more." Hyun Jin felt upset so he messed with his own hair.



Omaigod, is it because I threw up a lot before? My stomach feels numb. Should I eat something? What time is it? How far are we from the campsite? What time is this?!

Without me noticing, I had been checking on my watch for so many times and it made Hyun Jin to notice it.

"Are you okay?" He asked from afar.

Hyun Jin was already far ahead of me. Probably because I haven't been paying attention to the mission anymore. So, I stopped for a while and sat down onto the ground.

"I am okay," I replied and showed an okay sign using my hand.

"Do you want to go now?" Hyun Jin asked and squatted down in front of me.

"We have 4 more to go," I lifted my hand to wipe my face as it felt itchy.

"No!" Hyun Jin caught my hand.
"You will get sick since you touched the ground."

"My face is itchy! I need to scratch it so bad!" I said, feeling uncomfortable with my itchy face.

"Here," Hyun Jin pulled out a hand sanitizer from his pocket.
"Give me your hands," he asked me to put out my hand.

Hyun Jin gently applied the sanitizer to my hand. Unaware of the dying me in front of him.

"Don't use it all the time, you will harm yourself." He gave me a tip.
"But right now is critical."

What am I feeling like this? Hyun Jin is just being nice since he was always a nice person. Right?

"Should we get going now?" Hyun Jin asked me.

I shook my head and stayed to sit on the ground. Honestly my stomach felt like it was about to burst. It could be because I haven't ate anything after throwing up before. I was really cursed by the mother nature as the wind started to blow again causing the two of us shivered.

"I have phobia with wind after what happened last night." Hyun Jin chuckled as he remembered the scene from yesterday.

"It was funny, sorry." I laughed harder as I remembered Felix storytelling about the incident yesterday.

"It was ridiculous," Hyun Jin said and got up from his position.

"Are you going already?" I asked, still feeling sick to move.

"Honestly, you aren't feeling well aren't you?" Hyun Jin asked more like stated.

"I haven't eat anything yet!" I replied.
"Huaaaa!" And acted cringing.

"Are you crazy?! You should've eat!"
"Can you walk?"

"Of course, I am not paralysed yet." I winked and stood up from sitting.
"Let's s go," I walked, following Hyun Jin.

"If you say so," Hyun Jin said and took my hand.
"At least you won't slide down the hill,"

"Okay! This is really scary," I pointed down from the hill.
"We are so high up, no wonder it is so cold and cloudy here."

"That is why, it is dangerous if you are sick." Hyun Jin said and pulled her away from the edge of the hill.
"Stand back."




By the lake,

Ji Yeon and Felix gave up on their task long ago. The two of them were lost in the forest and ended up by the lake. Well, their mission was to find five types of fruits. Sure they found one type of fruit before, but Felix ate it before they could take a picture. How irony.

"Felix! Look, there is fish inside the lake." Ji Yeon pointed toward the water.

"Where?!" Felix got excited to see the fish.

He went to be beside the lake and looked into the water, instead of watching the fish, he looked at Ji Yeon's reflection on he water.

"The fish is cute right?! Right?!" Ji Yeon said and poked the fish only to make it swam away.

"Hrmm, so cute." He replied and shifted his gaze to look at the panic fishes that were poked by Ji Yeon.

"Felix, do you really like Eun Bi?" Ji Yeon suddenly asked and it caused Felix to widened his eyes.

He was stuttering to answer the question.

"Why? If I do?" He asked, hoping that Ji Yeon won't get the wrong idea.

"I wish you luck with her." Ji Yeon replied and she clearly sounded disappointed.

"If I don't?" Felix asked again.

"Then, don't like anybody." Ji Yeon said, still watching the fishes in the lake.

"Why would you say that?" Felix chuckled.

"Because I will be happy with that." Ji Yeon spontaneously replied and slapped her own face.

"Yah! Why are you slapping yourself?" He was shocked by her sudden action.

"I spat out nonsense." Ji Yeon replied and finally looked at Felix.
"Sorry, I am just a nobody to tell you not to like anybody." She added.

"But you are not just nobody." Felix said and avoided to look at Ji Yeon.

"Roaaaaaaaar!" There was a roaring sound from the upper hill.

Ji Yeon turned pale and so did Felix. They both got easily scared. Trying not to look cowardly, Felix got up and pulled Ji Yeon with him. He looked around the lake and there was not sign of dangerous animals.

"I don't want to move!" Ji Yeon yelled.

"It is dangerous here, let's move." Felix said.

"Wild animals tend to notice moving things. Let's not move for now," Ji Yeon said quietly to Felix.


Upper hill,

Hyun Jin and Hyuna were actually watching the two of them from the upper hill. They were the one that made that roaring sound. Hyun Jin laughed like a lunatic as he saw Felix panicking and was trying to protect Ji Yeon.

"Yah, that was so mean! Look at them!" Hyuna laughed along.

"Look, Felix looks like a ghost now that he turned pale." Hyun Jin said, still laughing.

"Ji Yeon too! They are sure enjoying the little date." Hyuna was still laughing and the idea of her friend being on the date with her crush made her happy inside.

"Should we move now? At this rate, they might die if there is another roaring sound." Hyun Jin said and moved away from the edge of the hill.

"Roarr!" There was another roaring sound from behind Hyun Jin and Hyuna.

Hyun Jin was shocked and he clumsily slipped his feet causing him to fell from the upper hill. Hyuna tried to catch his hand and she actually reached it. Because of that, they both fell from the hill.

Friend Or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now