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Keith hadn't come in contact with his mom yet

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"Just great!" Lance yells.

"Well it sure it isn't my fault we're stuck like this!" I yell at him, leaving him to think of something to say. "Plus," I add, "Now we have to wait- who knows how long for the others!"

Let me explain what happened here real quick. So first off Shiro had sent us off on a small, should be simple, task. Make our way into a small, not very guarded, Galra facility. Simple right? Apparently not.

What had happened was Lance had decided this was a good time to tease me or something. And if you don't know my temper when it comes to certain subjects then I should fill you in, on the fact that the word "bonding" is something I have bad history with.

Lance said a few things. I said a few things. He grew a little pissed and fell backwards onto me and into a closet. Just me and him. A gay dude, and his most likely 100% straight crush. Yep. That's always fuckin fabulous.

So as you can tell i'm exploding inside.

"Okay, Lance can you just contact the others please."

"Got it."

Lance had made a connection with Pidge and talked pretty fast.

"Okay, we'll be there in like a few vargas."

And that is how a few vargas turned into a entire night.

We sat there in silence for what felt like half an hour. (Lance can keep his mouth shut for more than three seconds?) But Lance of course tried to strike up a conversation or something.

"So, ya come here often?"

"No. I obviously do not."

He sighed in frustration. Reached for a pocket and pulled out some sort of fidget toy. And more silence for the next hour, the only noise was from outside or the fidget toy.

"Aren't you bored?" Lance questions.

"A little I guess."

Lance gets this weird glint in his eyes that comes with the question, "Wanna play a game."

I pretend to think for a bit before finally agreeing to play with him. We ended up playing truth or dare, which turned into truth or truth real fast, we played for a while asking stupid questions like "How many hotdogs have you eaten in one sitting?" (Lance) or "What is your favorite shade of knife?" (Me).

Soon it got a little more serious.

He says something a little uh, weird, "If you could ask one question and get an answer what would it be?"

"Where is my mom now?, o-or maybe who is my mom? I'm not sure, if there is a God why does he make people suffer? I don't know maybe something about my dad, or which parent did I get my piloting skills from, or did am I naturally good?"

"Guess you're curious about your family."

"Yeah. . . What would you ask?"

He thinks for a bit before speaking up, "How long are we going to have to fight? Or when are we going home?"

We move a bit to face each other.

He looks at me knowingly, "I'm sorry I asked, this is weird, right?"

Honestly if I hadn't seen everything in my life that i've so far maybe it would be. I want to tell him if was fine, that I felt like I got something important off my chest.

"I don't think it's weird. I trust you enough I guess."

He smiles asking if I was serious, I just smirked and we sat there for a few minutes enjoying the peace at the moment.

The door to the small room opened with a greeting from Hunk and Shiro.

As we walked out I felt like it was appropriate to whisper, "Don't forget this bonding moment."

"I'd never."


Word count: 625

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