Soulmate AU

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A/N: So I wrote this with @sadtrashracoon on wattpad and quotev who so graciously helped me. Give my girl some love over there. Also thanks for 2.1K reads on wattpad :) I love you guys.

I was born with two phrases on my arm, on my left the first words my soulmates was going to say to me, "What are you doing?" and on my right the last words, "Thank you". Quite dramatic, I know. I knew that when I met my soulmate I'd have five minutes to know for sure. Then the words wold fade and that would mean that person was my soulmate.

I never expected my soulmate to be quite an asshole.

I think he's a lovable asshole but does that matter at this point.

Sure, I passed him in the halls, an he passed me test wise but he never spoke a word to me. At that point I assumed he had decided I was his rival or something. He tried to one up me at everything.

It wasn't exactly a normal day for me at least. To this day I wonder if every day starts out weird for soulmates meeting. I had woken up way to early. Like, the sun wasn't even up early. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did. I promise you. I just couldn't fall back asleep. I decided to adventure out and about instead.

I knew I wasn't allowed to, the garrison just doesn't allow stuff like that I made it a stealth mission. I queued up the mission impossible theme song in my mind and left to find the kitchen.  

It was dark, I didn't expect to see anyone awake. I had made it to the kitchen and was going to grab something to eat when I heard a noise from behind me. 

"What are you doing?!"

I whip my head around to find Keith Kogane standing there, flashlight out, bag in hand.

"What are you doing?"

He glanced at his wrist and looked back up to me.

I thought for a moment, and then had an, 'Oh i'm an idiot' moment. I looked at my hand, the reminder of the words exchanged lined up fine. 

"Does your wrist? Is it?" Keith had asked.

"Yeah. ." I found it hard to believe. 

'Mullets my soulmate?'

I grabbed for his hand, I took out my phone quickly, snapping a picture of our wrists together in the dark. 

And then they were fading. 

We made eye contact.

He reached for me, pulling me into a hug.

It was odd, he hated being touched, despised it, he'd never speak to me before and then he was hugging me.

Honestly I think that I was in shock for the next few moments after the words disappeared. I hugged him back of course that's just rude not to.

I talked to him afterwords, we sat on the floor until the sun came up and we ran into my room so we wouldn't be caught sneaking out.

Now that we've been a relationship for a two months, I am very very very glad that I get to bring him with me home for spring break, I know he'll love Cuba. He is from Texas so he's used to the hot weather don't worry. 

I love you Mama, Papi, I'll write to you soon.

- Lance your favorite child


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