When one thing leads to another...

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WARNING: Mention of past verbal abuse/ Abusive relationships

Requested by: dee918

I wouldn't normally do songfics (I frankly just don't normally read them) but I tried to write this to the best of the best of my abilities. I found the lyrics @ https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/orianthi/accordingtoyou.html

Song: Orianthi- According To You

Out of all the bonding events they could possibly do Keith wasn't thrilled by this one. The group had decided on doing a sleepover of sorts. It was a team vote so someone was bound not to get what they wanted to do. In this case, it was Keith. 

The only upside was a very gay one. He got to spend time with Lance. Sure the others would be there and it would be nice with them but him and Lance have been getting a lot closer lately. Lance quickly became someone who would support him and it felt great to have another person he could trust.

They had gathered their stuff together in the lounge room they generally used and talked for a bit before doing some activities. 

They tried to play truth or dare but that got scary fast, (note: don't play truth or dare with Pidge and Lance ever again.) They went through a list of several different games to play before Lance screamed out they should do a sing-off. 

Normally Keith would kill for Lance but this was a whole other type of bullshit. He knew that the group would eventually do something like this but his confidence in his musical abilities wasn't very high, to begin with.

Part of it was that he just really didn't want to embarrass himself. Lance was a good singer, so was Hunk and Shiro. He had heard them before. Pidge would somehow find a way out of it, she was just clever like that. As for Allura and Coran, they would belt out a song like they were some crappy pop idol of some sort because they just had the confidence for that. Keith knew he was an okay singer although he wasn't the best, he doesn't like singing for people, however.

So they went in a circle like that. Pidge got to 'judge'. Lance eagerly went first singing some song about gasoline or something in Spanish, it was very Lance. Hunk sang a lullaby he didn't know. Shiro had sung a song that was from a movie he remembered watching once. Allura went after him singing a song in her native language.

Then it was Keiths turn. "I really don't want to do this, you guys." 

Shiro shot him an apologetic look, "Come on Keith, please? I know this isn't your kind of thing but it'd be nice for you to at least try."

He saw lance give him a soft smile.

 He sighed and begun singing softly,

"According to you, I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right... According to you, I'm difficult, Hard to please, Forever changing my mind"

The lyrics hurt him; hitting close to home he felt that this song would fit him best.

"I'm a mess in a dress, Can't show up on time, Even if it would save my life... According to you, according to you"

It was a really hard breakup. Not only was it a messy one but even after it came to an end it still hurt. But then there was Lance.

"But according to him, I'm beautiful, Incredible, He can't get me out of his head" He liked Lance a lot. But this person who he had loved so much before was still making him sad about something from years ago. And it stung. He wanted someone who would treat him better.

"According to him- I'm funny, Irresistible, Everything he ever wanted" Another sharp breath of air through his lungs, "Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it, So baby tell me what I got to lose, He's into me for everything I'm not. ."

And again, emotions getting overwhelming he sang, "According to you I'm boring, I'm moody, you can't take me any place. According to you, I suck at telling jokes cause I always give it away. I'm the girl with the worst attention span; you're the boy who puts up with that. According to you. According to you."

Every lyric becomes more defined and louder, the others remain quiet, "But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head. According to him I'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted. Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what I got to lose. He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you."

He's crying now, he can feel it but at this point, he doesn't care. He can't even tell anyone else is here. "According to me you're stupid, you're useless, you can't do anything right. But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head. According to him I'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted. Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it, baby tell me what I got to lose. He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you. . . According to you."

"According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right. . ."

It was near silent for a moment everyone stood still except for Keith who was crying harshly. Then all at once, everyone got closer to him. They softly telling him he was safe and okay. After a moment Keiths tears begin to soften. Of course, it didn't all just go away but he felt a bit better, he began to explain.

"It's just," he started speaking his voice rough from crying and hesitant from saying anything wrong, "I was in this relationship with this guy; he was never very nice. He was always judging me and trying to fix me and I just couldn't handle it anymore and I- tried to leave, I really did but he threatened to do some bad stuff to me and I had to tell my foster family and we had to move because of it and I just abandoned him..." 

"Does leaving him like that make me just as bad? Is what he said true? Then everyone tells me i'm fine and that he lied to me but I don't know if i'm fine or they're just lying to make me feel better. I don't know what I did wrong. I feel safe here with you all and everything but sometimes it feels like I never truly left and that i'm in a whole new way of torture and this time it's just me and everyone lying to me. The worst part is the sinking feeling in my chest when I just don't know!" Keith croaked out. 

The team fell silent. You could feel the anger radiating from the group. Shiro had looked frustrated at himself mainly. Then they heard Keith speak. It was hard to hear as he was quiet.

"I don't think I could ever try to love again..." He seemed to mumble to himself, "No one wants someone who is broken that would just hold them back; especially someone like Lance...."

Then Lance came closer. "Is it okay if I touch you?" He whispered to Keith who gave a slight nod.

Lance gently took hold of his hand. "Keith? You could never hold anybody back. It's the truth. Whatever he told you before was a lie. I want you to trust me please."

Keith leaned in closer to hug Lance tight. "I trust you."

They stayed embraced for a while. Soon everyone had calmed down a bit. For the rest of the night however, they tried their best to get Keith to feel at least a bit better. Instead of continuing game activities, they throw on an Earth movie Lance had found a while ago at the space mall. The paladins had huddled together all snug to watch. Keith place on the couch next to Shiro and Lance on his sides and Hunk at his feet. 

They all grew closer to Keith that night, especially Lance and him who had gone to sleep separately and woken up holding tight in each others arms.

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