The storm

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A/N: So theirs like one line in Spanish and google translate helped me out so I have no idea how accurate it is. This is a long-ish one. If you got any prompts for future chapters message me.

A year and a half. That's how long they've been dating. A year and a half. That's how long Lance kept it a secret from his entire family. Honestly, it shocked Lance the amount of he could keep it a secret. Keith and him constantly being together which made it a secret hard to keep. That's why Lance was so upset about the terrible timing on this day.

To provide some background knowledge, you need to know that Keith is scared of storms. The fear had come around in his foster kid days as he never really trusted any of the foster parents enough to rely on them for any comfort most kids get when they're scared of thunder. Keith's fear wasn't so bad when someone else was with him. All he needed was some reassurance, when he was alone he got paranoid. Fortunately, where Lance and Keith lived they weren't as common, and, when they did happen, someone, was always with him. Normally it was Lance, they would hang out in Keiths room, snuggled together watching Disney movies. If Lance couldn't come over than Shiro or Adam would take care of him, baking and joking around. Today however wasn't one of those days. Both Shiro and Adam had been out of town that week for work and Lance had been with his family so Keith was stuck alone.

They boys weren't worried for a storm, sure it had been a little cloudy but it was normally like that this time of year, so they went there separate ways.

Lances family always ate dinner together, it was one of the things he liked most about his family. Normally he'd turn his phone notifications of for texts off during dinner, but as the rain started pouring a touch harder he made sure his phone was turned up loud enough to where he could hear it. Just in case. Lance prayed, of course, hoping it wouldn't full-on storm. For both his and Keiths sake.

So, for the first time, he was nervous at the table, being quiet and silently begging that it wouldn't start storming. He had no idea what his family would do if they found out that he'd been dating Keith for so long without telling them. He knew if Keith called he would go with his instincts and wasn't sure where they would take them. He also knew his family was okay with him having a boyfriend, Ronnie had a girlfriend. He just really didn't want the timing to be weird. He could see his sister Rachel eyeing him from across the table. She had no idea what was going on but was suspicious of his abnormal silence. Lance knew he'd normally butt into a conversation at this point, adding his thought on whatever topic they were talking about, even if it was unimportant.

Then he heard the first crack of thunder and tensed slightly. Maybe Keith was at Romelles? Maybe with Pidge? Or even Hunk? Then his phone went off and it made him jump a bit. Knowing exactly who it was he quickly reached for his phone. 

He had no idea what level of scared Keith was. 

"Lance-" His mom began before Lance abruptly cut her off.

"Sorry, Mama. I need to take this." He took himself and his phone into the other room and answered the contact, 'Samurai ❤'. Another few sounds off thunder went off and Lance could see lighting in the distance. When he picked up the phone he could immediately tell that Keith was outside by the loud pitter-patter of rain on the other side of the line. A distressed Keith picked up.


Lance could hear his family go silent, most likely trying to hear what was happening, "Yeah, I'm here. Are you outside? Where are you?"

"I was walking home from Romelles and it started raining so I took the bus and I got off at the wrong stop and now I'm farther from my house but closer to yours so I called you." Another sound of thunder went off and the next words that Keith said gave Lance the assumption that he may start crying as Keith spoke in a shaky voice, "Can you pick me up? I, I just really want to get out of the rain. I mean if you can't pick me up I could try calling Hunk."

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