The one

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I short oneshot to pass the time

Lance was known for his drunk mishaps. He'd get drunk, hook up with someone. It'd always was just a one night stand. He couldn't keep a stable relationship, that's what he always thought. Hunk would always tell him that he needed to get his life together. It was a mess.

Recently, however, things seemed to be going upwards. He had stopped drinking with the support of his friends, he's gotten a new job he really likes, and he's found a new lover. His first serious relationship in years. Keith.

They met at a bar. That night Lance was too drunk to remember they had gone to school together before. Thankfully Keith recognized him. Keith had been outside talking with his friends, (who Lance came to know as Pidge), Lance came out drunk and without his phone. Keith offered to drive him home.

After endless flirting between the two all night, they slept together. When Lance woke up he recognized Keith as a middle school boyfriend of his. Keith was always so kind to him, he could remember them breaking up because Keith would be moving again. He had always cared for Keith and the realization of what he was doing really hit him.

He promised himself to be nice and not to avoid Keith. And -god- he grew up to be REALLY cute. So he stayed in contact with Keith, they soon became good friends again. Quickly, friends became lovers. And he tried again. He focused on picking himself back up. For himself, Keith, his friends and his family.

He didn't know what to expect from a relationship with Keith. They seemed that they were perfect for each other. They'd cuddle and watch movies and go out. It was thrilling for Hunk to see his best friend happy and himself again.

Lance had visited his friends more and opened up. His world change rapidly. Things were really looking up for him.

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