Ocean Eyes

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I had been friends with Lance for a while now. I thought he was cute and all but I never really talked to him one on one. That was until Romelle tried to hook us up.

Romelle had called me the other day asking to meet me at an ice cream shop. I told her I could go but apparently, she couldn't. 

I saw a person being dropped off, they waved and the car drove off.

"Godammit Ro, you told me to meet you here and now you bail!" I had heard a familiar voice shout over their phone. The person came closer and I saw Lance, I normally wouldn't see him like this, not normal unless someone tells us to meet with them. "Uh, Lance?" I had said, "What's up. Is Romelle not coming or something?" 

His hair looked soft.

He gave me an exasperated look and sighed, "Yeah, she did. . ." He then down to me and grinned, "That gives me a chance to just go in here and waste some money that I borrowed from my sister, of which I'm not going to give back, wanna join me? I would love some company."

I just shook my head and open the door to the ice cream shop for both of us. We sat down and waited for a waitress. When she arrived we ordered, "One chocolate chip cookie dough." For Lance and "A lactose-free mint ice-cream"

When the waitress had left Lance gave me a look, "You're lactose intolerant?" 

"Yeah, I have been for pretty much my entire life."

We sat and talked for a bit. We spoke about things we wouldn't talk about with the others at all. When we got the ice-cream, we sat and eat in silence.

It was kinda awkward sitting with him. Although this gave me a chance to really look at him for the first time.

I noticed he had light freckles across his face for the first time.

We finished and went to pay he paid for me. He honestly didn't have to do that and I had told him that but, "I should pay. I suggested it without knowing if you had money or not in the first place, just save yours for gas," He ended up convincing me that it was alright.

I held the door as he went out and pointed. "If we head this was for a bit we can visit the ocean, what do you think? Wanna go?" I complied and we were off. Making our way through we passed through a small wooded area as I followed his lead. He seemed to know where he was going so I followed him willingly.

When we reached his spot I didn't realize how beautiful it was going to be. I walked to the shore and took off my shoes as I did. When my feet hit the water it felt so cold. I turned back to see Lance grinning and taking his shoes off as well. Then he turned his head and I saw his eyes.

They looked as pretty as the ocean.

He did a short run over to me and ran into the water. He didn't have a care in the world.

He smiled, "The water is almost as pretty as you today." I felt my face flush, "Shut up!" I realized that the entire day was basically a date. And now I think I like him. 

We splashed in the water for a bit till it was getting towards night. 

We sat down to put on our shoes and once I did I looked over at him. 



"I think I might like you, a lot."

He looked up at me with a smile. "Really?"

"Yeah," I felt my ears go pink, "I really think so."

He grinned at me, "Well I have some good news, I think I might like you too."

That settled that. We got up and walked back towards our starting point. He was on his phone for a moment and sighed. "What's up?"

"My sister won't pick me up. I'm walking."

"Uh, I could drive you if you'd like. I parked my car not too far away."

"That'd be amazing." Lance signaled me to lead.

I took a moment to fumble with my keys before turning on the car. 

We drove and talked this time, less awkward. 

We made it to his house and stopped on the side of the road. "Thanks for driving me."

"Thanks for buying me ice cream and showing me a beautiful beach."

He climbed out and walked around to my window, knocking on it. I rolled it down, he gently grabbed my face and kissed me. And with that, he turned around and waved good-bye, entering his house.

And leaving me a little shocked and very happy.

A/N: Thank you for 3k views on wattpad! Sorry for not posting more I've had testing and been busy outside of that.

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