Meeting the Family Part 1

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Lance had known of Keith's upsetting family situation. 

How it had mess Keith up from a young age.

He had learned about how someone finally chose to keep him.

Lance knew Keith had a hard time feeling wanted.

But he also knew Keith loved where he is staying now, and with the people he was staying with.

So when they had been dating for around 4 months now they decided to meet each other's families. 

That was how he met Shiro and Adam. 

"Lance please don't act like an idiot or something." Keith was standing outside his apartment door, hand on the knob, looking back to face me. He was tired from the day of school we had. He had woken up with a headache and was not looking forward towards this.

"Babe, when do I ever act like an 'idiot'"I  had smiled at him, "Don't worry please, it'll be fine!"

Keith turned the door open, "It better be."

Keith place was simple, yet nice. It was modern and large for an apartment. I glanced around for a bit before seeing pictures on the wall of Keith and his family. 

It was quiet for a bit before a male voice spoke up, "Which one of you is home? Keith or Takashi?" 

"It's Keith." Keith had said before giving me a look and adding, "I, uh, brought my boyfriend."

There was background noise and Keith took my hand. A tan male in glasses who I had recognized as Adam came in, walking quickly.

"Keith since when did you have a boyfriend? Why am I just now hearing about this!? He better be a nice boy." Adam had rambled. Adam was taller than Keith but shorter than me. 

Adam seemed to be the interrogation type. Which means Shiro won't be doing as much asking.

Adam had been questioning Keith, he looked uncomfortable so I decided it was time to introduce myself.

"I'm Lance Mcclain." I held my hand out for him to shake, which he quickly did.


Keith had taken this opportunity to tell Adam that they'd be in Keith's room and they'd only come out for dinner. Adam eyed him, but Keith had taken my hand and lead me to his room anyway.

We laid on his bed and talked for a bit. 

"So Adam acts like an overprotective mother?"

"I don't know, you tell me." He retorted. 

"You've seen movies Keith, you know." 

He'd put on a movie, and we laid curled together. It felt like a long time before there was a knock at the door. 

"Yes?" Keith had asked.

A man, who I guessed to be Shiro, had opened the door. He caught sight of Keith and I and smiled. "Dinners ready bud."


He paused our movie and laid against me for a second more before turning towards me. "They're going to ask a lot of questions. Or at least try to embarrass me somehow.

And on that note, we had gotten up and walked to his dining area. 

Adam and Shiro were grabbing food and sticking it on their plates. Keith hesitated a second before signaling me to grab food as well. 

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