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A/N: This is short because I had a time limit on writing it. I stopped using the previous prompts.

"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold." -Aristotle 

Something Keith had heard before but was to scared about frostbite.

Soulmates scared Keith. Because once you meet your soulmate you're stuck with them. And when you're all alone being stuck with someone is the biggest fear of all. When you turn ten your soulmate marks appear. A snowflake, one for you and one for your soulmate. Their identical in pattern, and are black on your wrists.

No too many snowflakes are alike.

Keith had been avoiding people because of it. But trying to be closed wasn't helping.

Until Lance.

Until a match.

Until frostbite couldn't affect anyone anymore. Keith can see the beauty now that the snows here.

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