one last time

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A/N: This is it guys. This will be the last chapter in this oneshot book. Holy crap it's been so much fun. I WILL still write Klance fics but just not here. I don't write them fast enough anymore because I think the quality should be a bit better. So this will be the last chapter here. I cried writing it. I'm so grateful to every single person who read this, left comments and stars. I never expected it to get as much attention as it did yet here we are. I'll still look at comments and I still love interacting with you all. Seriously, thank you. The love this book has gotten has been amazing. I don't want to make this too long, so without further adieu, the last chapter.

The first time they went on a mission after they started dating hadn't been very different from anything before. Although this time instead of keeping their concerns about one another they complained freely to each other. The others laughed and when they got off the lions after that first time they grasped for each other. It was a simple enough plan and nothing had gone wrong but the relief was still there. That was enough to want at least a hug. The others shook their heads and laughed; they had expected nothing less. That first time held a new sense of pressure because now they had more to lose.

Hugging before and after missions became a routine after that. It was a wordless action that they anonymously decided would be a regular. After especially rough jobs they held each other a little closer for a little longer. It just made sense. So when Lance had gotten caught up in a particularly nasty fight and came out with a broken nose and sprained wrist and Keith had been bleeding in multiple places they spent a few days keeping each other in eyesight for as long as possible.

When they had trouble with Shiro they spent a few nights speaking to each other about everything they could. Something to take their minds off the current stress. When the others found them in the morning passed asleep in the dining hall they were concerned but had a general idea of what was happening. An exchange of soft looks silent speaking they knew it would be important to start looking after each other a bit more. Both boys were a bit confused to wake up in a bed after what felt like just being at the table minutes ago it didn't take long for them to realize what their friends had done for them. They were all the more grateful for the extra support.

They both were sent out on a mission together. It was simple enough. Locate a small Galra base, probably knock out a few guards and be in and out with whatever intel that had been requested. So they had fun with it. Lance making jokes and Keith rolling his eyes. It was fun. When they noticed they had extra time left over from the expectantly easy assignment they went ahead and just flew a bit. Showing off different tricks in an attempt to impress the other. When they figured it was about time that they should be heading back they did. They raced all the way back to the castle, trying to see who would be the fastest.

Each paladin always had their fair share of nightmares and terrors. It was to expect being in a war with all this pressure. On particularly bad nights Keith and Lance would find themselves laying in bed together. All with the intentions of comforting the other. Sometimes Lance would find himself sitting up with Keith in his lap. He'd run his fingers through Keith's hair as a way to sooth him into sleeping. He'd run his fingers through Keith's hair and would hum any tune that came to mind. Lance found the whole situation entirely loving and made note of each second. If Lance was anxious about anything Keith would just pull him close. He'd make sure to hold Lance and speak soft and sweetly to him about the world. Sometimes he'd tell Lance the stories his dad had told him or sometimes he'd talk about something funny he saw the others doing. Each time he would whisper to Lance and make sure Lance knew how much Keith loved him. Waiting until his breathing completely evened out and he was fast asleep. The nights that Lance fell asleep calm were his favorites.

If the stars could speak they'd have stories to tell. And some of those stories would consist of the times when two boys had come to their window to sit and look at them. Exchanging tales of astronomy and constellations. Sometimes they would learn new systems and galaxies eagerly together. Sometimes they'd sit in silence watching the sky pass by, always making sure they were touching, even if it was just their pinky fingers strung together. The stars admired these boys because they always came together when they wanted to watch, they were a pair.

Keith leaving for the blade was difficult for both of them. Once they knew their constant was gone out of reach things became stressful. Soon they had mutually decided that they'd spend as many free hours as they needed to video calling, even if they had to train in silence on different ends. The presence they had wasn't strong but it became better once they reached a mutual understanding that this was very much needed. Having each other on speed dial at all times and keeping notes on timezones that had changed during traveling. Despite the initial tension of the distance they learned how to deal with it the best they could and it became second nature.

Keith leaving with his mom was one of the hardest periods of time for him. Lance had been told beforehand that he'd be on a mission. He had made sure Lance knew that he couldn't keep in contact during that. The problem was that he never expected to be gone so long. And when he'd see flashes of him and Lance together his heart ached. He had no clue how much time was passing differently for Lance but it was so painfully slow for him. Lance didn't realize that Keith would be gone for a couple of weeks so when he came back saying that it'd been a couple of years for him Lance was worried. He had no clue if Keith would even love him the same after being separated for so long. Lance was very reassured when Keith went back to being his constant. And Keith was so grateful to be talking to Lance again.

The clone route was something both of them joked about but never thought was serious. But of course it was. And of course traveling afterwards took a toll on them all. And of course the Galra had gotten to earth. Because what else had they been expecting? When they finally had a moment to breath it was like time was finally slowing down and they were returning back to a normal routine. And then Allura went and that through them for a loop. But when it was all said and done they didn't want to stop. This had been their lives for the past few years and this had been their dreams growing up. They wouldn't stop now. Now the momentum of change was finally picking back up again. This time in a more positive light.

One last time.

One last time they flew back into space on a completely serious mission. After this all that was left was distributing supplies and exploring what was left of the stars.

One last time.

One last time they squeezed each other's hand before going separate ways and taking flight. You could feel the energy radiating in the air. This was it.

One last time they fought side by side against an enemy that wouldn't let go.

One finale moment they stepped out of the lions and moved towards each other. More carefully then other times.

One last breath before they embraced each other after a job well done.

One more 'I love you' before they finished what they started.

And god, had they come so far.

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