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3. Having their hair washed by the other

The paladins always kinda stinked after missions or training. They had a shower area just for them. It was normal for them too take showers at least once a day.

Lance and Keith had been training together for a while. Shiro knew that even though their bond as people were strong, they had a problem when it came to fighting. They both lived of the adrenaline and competitiveness. Even though they were dating they still liked to prove themselves.

So Shiro had them have training days. And afterwords it would end with a shower, then dinner if they timed it right.

Keith was never one to verbally say it but, it was obvious he enjoyed their shower times the most. Mostly because Lances favorite thing to do during their shared shower times is to clean Keith's hair.

For the most part they'd lay in the tub part, Lance washing Keith's hair. They way it'd calm Keith's nerves after fighting is like magic. 

Lance had been rubbing the conditioner into Keith's hair when Keith had leaned back into it. For Lance it was satisfying to see his smaller boyfriend enjoy it.

For Keith it let him relax.

Keith smile a bit to himself.

At least i'm not by myself fighting in space.

It's so much better to have your bestfriend by your side.

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