Not Alone (2)

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A/N: Wow. So I was always planning to write part two BUT the first chapter was based on real-life experiences except I just made it Lance and Keith, not me and my friend. This part was hard because now I had to take that entirely platonic real life situation and then make up a, not real, romantic, part two. So I wasn't even sure this was going to have a part two but I finally finished it. It's short but it'll work. Part 3 maybe if this does well enough and I have time lol.

We passed each other in the halls. "Keith!"

I quickly turned around to face Lance, after we finished eating I couldn't stop thinking about the whole table situation. It was weird, we weren't as close as me and Pidge or Shiro, but yet he was the only who actually said something. "Lance, hey, what's up?"

"I was just thinking about earlier, are you sure you're okay? You don't normally sit by yourself like that." Lance genuinely seem to care. It was sweet.

"No, I'm fine. I swear, I've just been feeling a little out of place recently I guess." I reassured him.

He frowns, "That's not much better. Y'know I-we care about you. A lot. It was weird seeing you by yourself. I just hope we have you sit next to us again."

"Yeah, that's fine Lance." I shot him a smile.

Lance looked a touch happier, offering a soft smile. "Thank god because I would force you to come over anyway, I admire you a lot."

I could feel my face heat up a bit, damn emotions. "I admire you greatly as well," I spoke awkwardly, "You're a wonderful addition to the time, as well as a great person. It was nice of you to think of me."

"How could I not. . ." A murmur and a quiet chuckle came from his mouth, barely audible. 

My face felt warm for the second time in this conversation. 

His face also grew a bright red, "Did-, Did you hear that?" He asked incredulously.

"What? I mean I guess."

He grew a brighter shade of red, "Oh my god. I didn't mean, well I did, what I'm trying to say is uh-oh shit- I mean that you're super unforgettable. . . Not in a bad way! Er, that's not helping." He tripped around in his words. Making us both blush and become slightly embarrassed.

He sighed deeply, "I like you a lot. . .  And so you have a pretty face and pretty faces are hard to forget. That sounds weird-"

"Lance, I get what you're trying to say. I believe I like you too."

He grinned like an excited puppy, "That's great! Fantastic! Awesome! Oh my god!" I smiled back, he took me by my hands and looked me in the eyes, "You really mean it?"

"Yeah, I do."

"That's great!" He offers another soft smile and speaks softly, "So, what does that make us?"

"What do you want us to be?" I asked with an equal amount of curiosity.

He pretends to think, "Hmm? Would boyfriends be okay? We can always take it slow or wait to tell the others if you'd like."

I give him a smile, "That'd be nice actually, I'd love to be your boyfriend."

He sighed in relief, "Oh good, I would've panicked if you didn't say that."

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