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God, he's cute.

I love this.

Waking up to Keith makes my life so much better.

Ever since we started dating we started hanging out a ton. Now we practically spend every second together. 

Not to mention Keith had started spending the nights with me in my room, so waking up to him has become the best way to begin a day.

I finished changing into my day clothes and turn around to see Keith, slowly waking up.

Keith in the morning was always a pretty cute sight to see. He was all fluffy-haired. Not to mention he sometimes gets embarrassed, which is adorable when it happens anyway.



"What time is it?"

I softly smile at him, "Early."

"I asked for the time," he grumbled sitting up. "Well, then it's 8:30."

He got out of bed coming over to where I was and wrapping his arms around my waist. He was more tired than normal but that may be because of last nights expedition. 

I walked him over towards the bed sitting down and moving to face his back. I brushed his hair and hummed. These were the type of moments with him I'd die for.

"I love you Lance" He mumbled tiredly.

"I love you too."

A/N: HEY I MADE A DISCORD FOR KLANCE!!! If you want to join comment below and I'll send you a link.

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