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Keith had returned from a mission with the Blades to visit the paladins, but most importantly his boyfriend. 

He landed in the castle and immediately went to look for Lance. He was tired and wanted a break and just to relax.

He found Lance in the lounge and they had their mini-reunion and then snuggled together telling stories about what had happened in the time missed. It was a sad time but also a happy time. Keith didn't have long to stay at the castle so they valued time. 

Doing anything together was WAY better than doing nothing.

Keith was exhausted, Kolivan had stricter protocols at the Blade then he had grown to know with Voltron, so he fell asleep laying on Lance. Lance didn't mind that Keith was laying on him at all, that wasn't the problem at all. The problem was they were out in the open and everyone still thinks they fight, but on the other hand, Keith needed the sleep.

He eventually just decided that if anyone walks in to just spill the beans. Keith is a pretty light sleeper so he'd wake up at the noise anyway. 

So they laid together for hours, Lance finally gave in and fell asleep as well. 

It had been a bit after that when the paladins came to check to see if Keith was in the lounge. Coran had alerted all of them that Keith was on the ship when he had landed but they never saw him anywhere. They started looking for him and then realized that Lance was nowhere to be found as well.

Shiro had come into the lounge to look for them to find the boys nestled together. He was confused for a moment but quickly figured it out. Shiro smiled at them. He knew Lance a comfort away from home and Keith needed someone to support him.

They were a perfect match for each other.

Shiro would ask more questions later. 

For now he would let them rest.

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