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It was the most pivotal point in their relationship. They had talked, and talked and this was their conclusion.

They would be adopting a baby girl.

They were so ecstatic. This would be their first child, and to Lance the family guy this meant adding a new edition that would just make his life happier. To Keith this was being able to do for her what no one did for him. 

When they first met her they couldn't take their eyes off her. She was barely six months old. They fell in love with their new daughters beautiful brown eyes. 

As they got to know her the found that she was a quiet baby. And that she loved any activity that included her new family, and not just her fathers. 

She was quite fond of each of the paladins. They couldn't get enough of her.

Lance and Keith would bring her to the galaxy garrison for fun. The officers just let it go. It was a great thing that they did because by the time she was five she had learned to label most of the star system around earth.

Surprising or not Keith would spoil her the most. When Lance and him got into arguments about it Keith just pulled the "I'm just trying to give her the best childhood because mine wasn't" card. It worked.

Lance had been the parent to say yes to almost everything. Most people who knew him were not surprised. Lance had said yes to basically every idea Keith brought up. Lance totally denies that though. Well, he at least kind of admits to it when Keith brings it up, but he'd still say, "Not that much! I just love my daughter!"

When their daughter turned seven they had decided they wanted another one. This time they had adopted a little boy, almost at the age of two.

They had been so happy to see their small family slowly get bigger. 

Being paladins sometimes had been hard. They tried to figure it out they really did. They had sort of a system. Because the Galra weren't as big of a threat anymore, they had basically raised the kids on the ship. And sometimes if their was a situation they would leave the kids with Lances family.

Keith had a family finally.

Lance got to be their for them.

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