Arranged Marriage

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"It is in my best interest to assign you to be wed." My dad had told me, "I know this is not what you want but you have not chosen someone to marry."

"Maybe because I haven't found the right person yet?" I had yelled, "What if I hate this person, what if they are super irritating and argue with me every time I speak."

My dad had given me a stern look, "Now Lance, there is a boy named Keith, he is the youngest prince of the Galra Empire. His older brother Lotor has recently taken the throne and with that came new tensions between our planets. We are hoping that your marriage will solve both the problem that has arisen with them and your problem with your marriage arrangements." 

I knew at this point I couldn't argue. He had a point, besides if this Lotor guy is being a dick then we need to flatten the tension. "When will he be coming, soon I guess?"

My dad gave me a soft smile, "Soon Lance, in about quintent."

"A quintent? So soon?"

"Well, we were not sure if you would comply so we thought this would be the best way to go about it."

Which brings us to where we are now, standing a large room used for meeting people like this. The Galran ship landed softly, and without a sound. A moment later three Galrans step out, although the one on the far end was quite short by normal Galran standards.

The Galra that arrived had been directed to our area and by now I had definitely gotten very nervous at the fact I'd now be meeting the person that I'd be stuck with for the rest of my life. And we would be married in two weeks, oh lord.

I didn't hear my father introduce Keith to me,  all I remember from that day was seeing Keith bow, and then I bowed in response on instinct, and I will never forget what he had said to me, "I have a feeling that you are not into the whole arranged marriage thing, I feel the same way. I hope we can make most of our time together before our 'wedding'. What about you?"

"I can only pray."

Our second meeting was by mistake. It was a couple of days after they had arrived and I couldn't sleep. I knew there were hours that everyone was supposed to be fast asleep. I snuck out to the garden, and it appears Keith did as well.

"Oh," I had said, making him turn towards me, I sat next to him, "I did not expect to see you here."

"Well, neither did I."

We sat in a weird silence for a moment.

I felt I needed to break the ice.

"What were you thinking with that hair?"

Well, that's one way of doing it.

"What's wrong with my hair?!" He looked at me incredulously.

"It's- Ya'know!- A mullet!" I threw my hands in the air. I honestly couldn't believe that this was what we were talking about.

"It's not a mullet, It would be a mullet if I didn't have bangs, I just have long hair!" He whined, he put his head in his hand, attempting not to laugh. "You're so off."

"Nope, don't think so, I'm never wrong when it comes to hair." I retort, he was in total disbelief but I had to let it slide.

"You're terrible."

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