Area 51

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Lance made his way through the building. He just had to find an alien, he didn't want this trip to be a waste.

It was on September 20th. Everyone arrived and they discussed their battle strategy. Lance was one of the lucky few who got to actually go inside the building. The group of people all had one mission; find an alien and get it out. 

Lance had gone to honor his old boyfriend, Keith, who had gotten so close to cracking the code too alien secrets before he disappeared. Lance had always dismissed the thought of aliens before but the closer Keith got to learning the truth the more Lance believed.

And now sneaking around the area 51 building he knew that his old lover had been correct. There were labs and multiple security rooms. Some rooms looked like offices that belonged to higher-ranking workers. Many who had been secured, which allowed Lance to search through their things.

He filtered through papers as quick as he could looking for mentioning of extraterrestrial life that may be in the building. 

Finally finding something his eyes perked up, he excitedly skimmed through it. 


SUBJECT NAME: Keith Kogane

Lances eyes widened, there was no way this was possible. He continued reading.


SUMMARY: Keith Kogane is an American citizen. We have recently discovered that he is only partly like us. Half of him is human while the other half appears to be something from out of this world. The subject himself hadn't known of this beforehand but was an avid paranormal researcher; Keith had always believed in the existence of other lifeforms in the galaxy without confirmation. If angered to a limit his eyes turn, the white changes to yellow while the pupil becomes sharper. From there, we can see parts of him turn purple. We have only found a way to make these appear at will from a specific formula, but only temporarily.

As soon as Lance had finished reading he tossed the papers about Keith aside and rapidly searched for something that would tell him where Keith was. When he finally did he grinned in success, taking a weapon and running for Keith.

If he was here somewhere he would find him.

After a while, Lance found the room that they had kept Keith. He was nervous. What if Keith acted differently? Would he recognize Keith? How much had changed about Keith?

He didn't have time for worrying and he knew it. He had just received a text from the others in the building saying how they would need to finish up inside and work faster. The military was coming to stop them.

Lance quickly broke the lock on the door and walked inside, "Keith? Are you here? It's Lance. Remember me?"

Lights flickered on and on the opposite side of the room he saw Keith standing there; he appeared to be in shock as he just looked at Lance.

In a shaky soft voice, Keith spoke, "Lance? Wha- What are you doing here?"

Lance smiled at him slowly approaching him, "I'm so glad to see you love, but we need to get out of here."

Now Lance could see Keith more clearly, he was tired, and his hands had a purplish tint towards its ends. Keith looked confused. Too bad he had no time to explain.

He reached for Keith's hand, Keith looked at him and hesitantly held on to Lance's. They made their way through the building quickly. They passed others who were also finishing up what they had been doing. Many of which had brought an extraterrestrial along with them. It was truly a sight to see.

As the groups merged Lance could see Keith looking rapidly around wide-eyed. 

Lance still couldn't believe that he had found Keith.

As all of the raiders came together they climbed onto buses and zoomed off, Lance could really look at Keith, like really look at him.

And he was happy; really truly happy.

So they were happy.

"So. . ." Lance grinned, "You're an alien? How's that?"

A/N: Is anyone interested in a part two?

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