Lance can't focus on the project

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A/N: Sorry this is so short I've been really busy lately. This chapter is basically an excuse for Lance to gush over Keith. Also did you see the Avengers 4 trailer i'm screeching.

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"Okay everyone, were starting a new project. You and I partner will be making a powerpoint and presenting it to the class. You will need to finish the project by next Friday. I will be choosing you partners." 

The class groans as Mr. Coran reads off the list of partners.

"Romelle and Allura,

Pidge and Hunk,

Ezor and Zethrid,"

It went on and on like that for a while until I heard my name, "Lastly, Lance and Keith."

Groaning I turn around to look at mullet who quickly turned away, he seemed to have been looking at me. . . Suspicious. . . 

The bell rings and I leave texting Keith to come over to my house after school. 

And that's how I ended up sitting way  to close to Keith. It's not that I didn't like him. I mean I do, he's smart, and can be really sentimental if he wants to be and, his eyes are so pretty it's mean to every other person on earth. Seriously like who has purple eyes? Keith apparently. I would ask him to turn his prettyness down a touch but that wouldn't really work. Just like if he were to cut his hair. He'd still look gorgeous but- "Lance!"


I look over at him, he frowns, "I've been calling your name for a good minute now."



"I was going to ask you to go over the notes real quick and double check spelling, although you seem more preoccupied in spacing out."

Fuck it.

I decide to just let it out, "I'm sorry that you have to be so pretty all the time. Maybe you should stop and let everyone on this planet catch up and breath a bit."

He just gapes at me.

What for it. . . 3, 2, 1- "Lance what the actual fuck."

"Oh I apologize for you making me a little gayer than a bisexual should be." I get defensive.

He just looks at me in shock for a quick second and panics, "No! That- I just didn't expect you too say that! I-I mean I guess I've always thought that in the race to be the prettiest human being you'd be ahead."

It's quiet for a few minutes. I before we scoot closer as if on instinct.

After a few minutes of staring at nothing in particular Keith speaks up. "I like you a lot."

I grin bring my face closer to his to where I can feel his breath on mine, it's almost comforting.

Especially when I bring my lips to his.


Words:  450

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