Cuddling in a Blanket Fort

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Even with their busy schedules Lance and Keith always  figured out a way to spend time just to themselves. Although it wasn't that often.

So when Shiro told them, he and the others were going out for the night leaving the two alone in the castle, the boys were ecstatic. Tonight the others would be off leaving them by themselves. 

It was about 4 O'clock earth time when they left.

The entire day Lance had been in the lounge. Hunk would have Keith avoid him like the plague. Lance clearly didn't want Keith to find out what he was doing. So when Keith saw Lance for the first time that day he was pretty happy.

Lance lead Keith into the lounge. When Keith entered the room the lights were shut off, the Lounge had a large blanket fort in the middle of it, Fairy lights hung all around it.

Lance had been excited to see his boyfriends reaction. He was happy to find out that it was a positive one, seeing the way Keith was softly smiling.

They had crawled into the fort and snuggled up together.

It had a very in the moment feel. They were curled up together in blankets and pillows. They had never felt so at peace.

Lance pressed his head up against Keith's.

Throughout the night they had gotten almost impossibly closer. Breathing onto each others bodies. A peaceful moment for the two, a break form the craziness of war.

They fell asleep like that, and when Shiro found them the next morning upon returning he didn't have the heart to wake them up.

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